🕊️SR 13

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Hazel James

I did not bother to call Madison, there was no need dragging her into this mess. Wherever my brother was, I hoped he choked on some slut's squirt.

I had only packed things like my underwear, bras, sanitary pads etc. And some clothes. I was now seated very stiffly in Conrad's car. It was being driven by the same rude driver who had driven me and Cole on that first date.

He was blatantly rolling his eyes and throwing sarcastic comments and insults my way.


The moment we arrived at Conrad's house I did not bother gaping at it. The rude driver rudely told me to get out of the car. Hardly had I taken my bag out he had sped away nearly crushing my foot in the process.

"Stop standing there like an idiot and get in." Conrad boomed. He closed the door once we were inside and faced me.

"I have given my staff some months off. Starting today you are the maid of this house. You will clean every nook and cranny of this house. Everyday. You will cook and do everything I say. Don't get your hopes up. I'm not sleeping with you." He turned to leave but stopped.

"And before I forget. Here's your uniform. You will wear this until the day I no longer need your services. You will not talk unless I ask you to. Don't question me. This will not bring back the peace I had with my family but atleast I get to dump my anger on you. You will curse the day you were born." He sneered and looked down on me in disgust.

"Bring your phone and remember one thing, any wrong move and daddy dearest treatment is stopped. Choose wisely. No going out at all. Not groceries, church. No. And you call me master. Now get out of my sight and start your work, you filthy slut."

I was about to go upstairs when he grabbed my arm and dragged me down some stairs to what looked like a basement. "This is where you will sleep." He shut the door behind him as I coughed and sneezed.

I sat down on the tattered mattress. I, Hazel James who had graduated first class in Harvard was now someone else's maid. My professor, former classmates, and others won't believe this. Just because of some stupid mammal that called himself my brother.


I had decided to clean the kitchen first. Though it was spotless, Conrad wanted to punish me. After cleaning it I prepared some dinner and put in the freezer for when he comes back so that I won't have problems.

I moved to the other parts of the house to start the cleanup. Changing sheets that had never been used. Scrubbing the bathtubs, bathrooms, toilets, faucets, mirrors.

Every part of my body was aching seriously. From my back, neck, shoulders, wrist all the way to my toes. The only place left to clean was where I would be sleeping. That dusty basement.

I took all the cleaning equipment and supplies and arranged them carefully in the storage room. After that I went and took a short quick bath just in case Conrad decided to come back early.


It was now 2 am and he was not yet back. I decided to retire to bed. Just when my body touched the mattress and my body cover was when I heard my name being shouted and voices in the hallway laughing.

"Slave!" I wore my slippers and went to the kitchen where I found Conrad, Cole, Christopher and Jennifer. "Where is the food you slut?" He roared. "It's in the freezer."

"Do you think I'm blind? Open it and see oh great one." He mocked. I opened the fridge and looked inside. There was no food and I had a feeling he had something to do with it.

"Did it magically appear?" I shook my head. "You are such a good for nothing fucker and that's why your father prefers to be on his deathbed. I want you to prepare edible food within the next 45 minutes." I refused to cry infront of this beast.

Whatever had I done to deserve this animalistic treatment. Scratch that, even some animals lived like royalty. Even in some prisons inmates weren't treated like this. I wiped the remaining tears and got to work.


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