🕊️SR 7

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Hazel James

I was in my room with Madison. We were eating some pizza and I had just told her the week's events. She had gone quiet. I knew she was thinking. "Don't you find it weird that you only hear about his 'undying love' for you when you are at his door? Why don't others hear about this? Something doesn't add up."

I frowned and looked at her. "He's had a rough past Madi. So don't judge him."

"How's it that someone you had never seen nor glanced at suddenly has an interest in you? How's it that he's in love with you? And then proceeds to humiliate you infront of everyone? That he left because of you? I say that is total Bullshit."

"He acts cold towards me so that people don't use me to get to him. Don't you know his enemies will harm me if they find out that he's in love with me?" I said defensively.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head in disbelief. "The sooner you open your eyes honey, the sooner you'll uncover that something sinister is cooking. I wouldn't want to be the one who tells you I told you so when this backfires in your ass."

"Why can't you ever be happy for me? I see why your relationship failed. It's because you have issues. Who would want to be your boyfriend if you're such a bitch?" I spat.

I realised my mistake when I saw how her face morphed into anger, disbelief, sadness and then blank. "I'm sor-"
"No don't be," She smiled. "Please, let me not be a hindrance to your happy ever after. You don't need my approval. Go on. I have a long day tomorrow so I'm leaving. Goodnight." I didn't even get to complete my sentence as she slammed the door shut on her way out. Well, she would come by.


I arrived at the company 10 minutes late and rushed to my office to prevent being seen by Mr. Knight. I exhaled a breath of relief when I arrived into my office. I tossed my bag onto the chair and leaned on the door.

A throat was cleared and I straightened my back and stood stiffly. I sheepishly turned around and saw Mr. Knight himself in my chair going back and forth. "Good morning." I smiled sheepishly and he scoffed.

"Look here James, the fact that I took you out on a date does not give you any entitlement to being special. You're just like any other normal employee. Nothing but a PA, so stick to your status." He spat.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again." He sat up from my chair. Tears welled up in my eyes but I fought to keep them at bay. He stopped infront of me and looked at me intensely and I thought he was going to kiss me. "Pathetic."

I slumped on my seat and sniffled. There was no use crying. The date had been a total waste of time. It had gone awkward all too soon. There was a difference between him now and during the date.

I wiped any trace of tears from my eyes and carried on with my work. The intercom buzzed, "James, I want you to send a cleaner to my office. Make sure they do not touch anything confidential. Let them only clean up and leave. Also, there's a blue file on my table, take it to Harrison."

"Yes sir." I stood up, called in the cleaners and took the blue file from his desk. I got into the elevator and pressed for the 18th floor. I easily located Mr. Harrison's office and knocked. "Hi, Mr. Knight sent this."

"Which one?" His back was to me. I was confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Is it Conrad or Co- oh shit!" He said when he turned to me. He was very tall with dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I wanted to know what he was about to say. "You are beautiful." I blushed.

I excused myself and left. I counted the minutes as the elevator went from 18th floor to 92nd. It arrived in no time. Jennifer was not at her desk and since Conrad was not in office I decided to ask Christopher. I stopped outside his door.

"...whatever." That was Jen's voice. "..that pathetic bitch flirts with anything that has a dick. Imagine how she wouldn't let go of me. Saying that she missed me. How pathetic." That was Leon's voice.


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