🕊️SR 8

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Hazel James

"Bitch couldn't even see that I sent my twin on that date. You did fairly well Cole." Conrad? "She was even flirting with Harrison. Gosh! She has no boundaries." Was that Christopher?

"Oh God, how dumb can she be that she doesn't see that I don't love her. That dumb slut!" Conrad sneered. What were they talking about? It seemed intense. And what was Jennifer doing there?

Twin brother? Conrad had a twin? Anyway, that was none of my business so I took to my office to finish up some work. That included a great sorry gift to give Madison with how I treated her.

What was that about? The conversation in Christopher's office left me curious and bewildered but I paid no mind to it. I should have.


After I had finished up on the what was necessary I had asked to leave early. I parked my car and waited for Madison at the parking lot. She always got off work early. She was a publisher and an editor at one of the top publishing firms.

I leaned against her Rolls Royce and waited for her. When she saw me she pretended not to see me and looked the other way. "Madi, I'm really sorry. Please forgive my ass. I really did not mean what I said. You're my sister Madi. The only one that stayed when everyone else left. Please forgive me."

She smiled and hugged me. "I already forgave you. In as much as I still don't trust any of those guys. I love you sissy." I hugged her tightly and smiled since we were cool. "Now, I came to pick you up. Let's go somewhere nice and you're sleeping at my place tonight."


"He even has a twin. Can you imagine?" Madison furrowed her brows. She wanted to say something but then she shook her head and smiled tightly.

My phone buzzed and it was a message from an unknown number.

Wanted to check up on you and if everything's alright.
Are you free tonight? I think so. Pick you up at 7pm. There's something that's been bothering me and if I keep it bottled up anymore then I think I'll explode.
See you.

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed and showed Madison the message. "I think he's gonna profess his love for me. Change of plans Madi. How about we plan our sleepover another day?" She nodded and kept quiet.

We ate and I drove her back to her workplace to collect her car as I drove home. I showered and put on the sexiest dress I owned. It went mid thigh with a tiny slit and plunging neckline. I put on minimal makeup just as the doorbell rang. He was here.

I opened the door wider and smiled to which he nodded and gave me a box full of red roses and champagne on the side. I thanked him a and invited him in as I put the gift away.

We were ready to go so I locked up and found him standing with the passenger side open. "Thank you." He closed it firmly and sat at the driver's and sped off. I did not ask where we were going and sat to observe him. This man loved me. I just felt like stopping the car and kissing him.

But I would take it slow. I ran my fingers on his knuckles that were on the gear and he tensed. He never said anything so I got braver and massaged his scalp. Wrong move. He brought the car to a halt and I hit my head on the dashboard since my seat belt wasn't on.

"Never, touch me. You understand?!" He yelled and I flinched. It was as if he remembered something since he cursed under his breath. "I'm sorry. Come here." He removed his seat belt and hugged me as I relished in his embrace. "I had a bad day and took it out on you."

"It's okay." I whispered. He started the car and held my hand throughout as we arrived to some place that looked like the woods. But it wasn't. It was well lit with a candle light dinner and some people at a distance playing soft music.

He pulled out my chair and I sat down, the place was really beautiful and had a peaceful feeling to it. He too sat and observed me closely. He held my hands on the table and looked into my eyes.

This is the moment. I thought. "I want to apologize for the other time. The dinner." I chuckled and waved it off. "No big deal."
"I just want to get it off my chest. I have feelings for you Hazel and this shouldn't be since we're boss and employee but I'm willing to risk all for you my love."
I sighed dreamily. Did he just call me...my love? The struggle is real.


SLEEK REVENGE✓ (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora