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One year later...

Conrad Knight

If only the rain could wash away my sins. But it couldn't. The sky was dark as the rain poured and the coffin was lowered into the ground. It was ,y fault that a funeral that would have not happened now was too soon. How I wished we could just switch positions.

People had started to leave. It was now me. I knelt down at the grave. "I hope you find it your heart wherever you are to forgive my sinful soul. If only I had been the better person and not done things the way I did then you probably would have been alive today. No amount of sorries can bring you back. I just want to redeem myself. May your soul rest in eternal peace."

I stood up wiping the tears that had escaped and went to my car. A year had now passed and Hazel was still in a coma. Her father had given up the ghost last week and it was all my fault. Hazel was not responding to any treatment.

I called doctors from everywhere but nothing. No improvement whatsoever. She was the same as the day she was shot. Even though Madison and I weren't friends we talked. Not those long stories of old buddies but asking about Hazel and how she was.

And me, well you could no longer see the striking resemblance between me and Cole. I had lost weight. And I looked as if I had aged 10 years.

Even though Madison did not say it put loud I knew her and everyone else blamed me for the events that followed.

Helen left my mansion not long after and my dad and I weren't in talking terms. The last time we actually talked was 6 months ago.

Crystal was in a mental asylum after she stabbed the guard on duty with her high heel and Luke was still in prison though he had been sending letters to be permitted to see Hazel

"Conrad, you going to the hospital?" It was Madison. "Yeah, do you need anything?" "I'm going to make sure nothing in her father's house is touched. It's been a year since she slipped into a coma. I'm not even sure myself anymore when she'll wake up."

The others had returned to their normal daily life routine but they would drop by from time to time especially Jennifer who had given birth to a bouncing baby girl whom she named Sapphire due to the eyes of Hazel. Just that her daughter's eyes were brown. The irony.

She also made Hazel the godmother. Madison had told me one day that I should go back to work. Her exact words being, 'a watched pot never boils.' But I wasn't ready yet. My nights were usually spent at the hospital and so was my day.


I immediately went to Hazel's room the moment I arrived. The doctor had been nagging me to take her out of life support. My simple answer was that I was paying him to his job so he should mind his business. That had shut him up.

"It has been a year, Hazel. Your father is even gone. When are you going to wake up. Everyone misses you. Even your goddaughter whom you've never seen misses you. You wouldn't believe it but I miss you. So much. Wake up Hazel. It hurts not knowing when you'll wake up.

It hurts thinking that one day we will wake up and hear news that you have gone. Wake up. I promise that I will disappear from your life. Please." I hadn't realised I had been full on crying till a hand was placed on my shoulder and I jerked up.

"Son." "Dad."
"I know that what you did was terrible but sitting here for the past year and crying will not wake her up. I'm sure all those tears you shed onto her hand have been absorbed by her bloodstream now. We all see something that you have not realised. You love the girl.

Even though I don't condone what you did, I've forgiven you. Go home, freshen up, eat and sleep. You look like shit. Some think you're my father. Helen will meet you there." He said as he chuckled.

I felt as if some weight had been taken off my shoulders. I decided to really take his advice and go home. I had a feeling that everything would be alright. Hopefully soon.


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