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Conrad Knight

I was shocked to see my dad in the hospital. "Conrad, when I gave you the letter it wasn't for you to do injustice to an innocent girl. I clear wrote at the back that she was impersonating someone else." I felt for the letter in my pocket but it wasn't there. My father halted my movements. "If she doesn't make it out of this alive, there is no else to blame other than you Conrad Knight. Remember that."

Now I felt like an utter shitty person. I am the world's richest. I have a PI, but still I didn't look into it. I was brought out of my thoughts by the doctor.

"We successfully extracted the bullet. It nearly punctured her left lung. And we found out that her body is very weak. She hasn't been well fed for months now." Everybody turned to look at me and I looked away shamefully. The doctor gave me a pointed look but continued otherwise.

"There also some bruises on her hands, legs and a handprint on her face which is fading but hasn't faded." "You bastard! You hit her!" Madison shrieked as she was held back by Christopher. "We have transferred her to the private ward and as of now she's on life support. There seems to be no activity in her brain. Visiting hours are from now till 7pm. Two people at most. Only one person can stay with her overnight. We are closely monitoring her progress. What we need now is a miracle."

Helen, my father, Madison and Chris were glaring at me. Looking at me shamefully and in disgust. The same way I had looked at Hazel since day one. If only I could turn back time. That's why if wishes were horses...I could only wish with my if onlys.

"You better pray Knight that my sister makes it out alive and well. You repulse me." Those were the departing words of Madison. The amount of venom she spat made me flinch actually.

I was now left with Leon, Jennifer and Cole. "I feel really bad. Come to think of it we would have been great friends. More than friends actually." Leon said and I frowned.

Jen was sobbing on Cole's shoulder. "She is very nice but when you told me she was the one I immediately forgot her kindness and jumped in without thinking. Gosh, I'll never forgive myself." She sobbed harder.

I decided to go check on the imposter. All this started because of her. No it was because of your clouded judgment. My subconscious mocked.

"Where is Crystal Peterson's room?" The nurse had the audacity to batt her eyelashes and there were more serious problems to worry about than her damn pathetic flirting. "Room 234 handsome. Let me show you." "No thank you." I spat coldly.

I located room 234 after some difficulty though. I did not bother knocking. I found the bitch already awake. She smiled. "Came looking for me pretty boy."

"Don't flatter yourself. I'm not here to start talking about what you have done but get this straight. You will undergo surgery to get rid of that resemblance with Hazel and then I will personally escort you to prison."

"You can't do nothing." She smirked, "My mother is after you, don't you forget that." It was now my time to smirk. "Oh, mother dearest jumped from her balcony when she had you had been shot. Feared she was next."

I smiled internally when I saw how all colour drained from her face. She was shocked. Who was the smug one now. "Oh, don't even think of escaping. There are police officers waiting for you. Immediately after your surgery, you'll be shipped off to prison. And if you have any ounce of self respect in you, you will start apologizing to your sister."

"Look who's talking and you were the one who tortured her without knowing the facts first. Hypocrite." She yelled. I left without another word. Yes, I knew I tortured her. That burden itself I would carry to my grave.


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