12.11 Queen's Last Wish

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5/13/2020 1:49am

A/n: My grammar this time had been corrected by Microsoft Word.


Sul Rang awoken from her slumber when a ray light strikes her eyes. She stands up and walks towards the divider that was placed between her and her husband's bed. Soft smiles appear on her lips. Seems like that she took way faster than the story should progress and that's because of her cheat, her husband. She doesn't need to tell that in every lifetime, it is easier to make him fall for her because their souls recognize each other even in different bodies, even if he always forgets the memories they shared together. The thought made her smile fades.

She sat in front of him and stares at his handsome face. She can't help but trace his perfectly shaped nose with her index finger.

I wonder what your real name in our real world is. What you look like? Because every time I saw in my dreams, your face is all blurred. I wish you took a step towards me. Maybe, if then, I'll take notice you. Maybe, I'll turn around if you just call my name.

She took a deep breath and watches him sleep. His nose wrinkled before his eyes blink like it was about to open.

"Aren't you going to wake me by a kiss," he teased her. Sul Rang hide her embarrassment in a cough. She rolled her eyes, she stand up and took steps away from him. "Seems like watching you makes your head grew rounder. I won't watch you sleep anymore I promise,"

Hyun Min's smile vanished.

Does this means that she's watching him sleeps every time she had a chance and now he force her to stop by catching her in act. Shouldn't he pretend to sleep all along and let her fall in sleeping beauty?

"Let's go Min - ge. Master had called our presence", Sul Rang called the in trance Hyun Min. It was only then that he noticed that she already change in her robe and she was freshly came out from the bath.

"O-Okay", he stumbled to get up and went to the bath.


"Good Morning Sul Rang!" Zeik's lips went upward when he saw Sul Rang on his way to the pavilion but it instantly went down when he saw Hyun Min holding hands with her.

Sul Rang nod at him as respect to a Senior Brother Disciple but that stops there as the two walk passed through him. His smile freezes as he silently clenched his fist.

At lunch, he smiled when he sat down beside her, it was his lucky moment. The bastard Hyun Min is nowhere to see. He mused to see her separating the garlic from the rice, like before she hated the garlic but love meats.

"Here," he put his meat on her bowl. She looked at him as his smile grew even wider but before his meat could land on her bowl, someone's bowl already taken his meat.

"Thank you, Senior Brother", Li Dong Wook smiled gleefully at him. Zeik frowned and glared at Li Dong Wook but the latter just ignore him and happily gobbled the meat. He was just saving this Zeik dude from the scary Senior Brother Hyun Min. Senior Brother Hyun Min can be pretty scary when he's jealous. He already had a taste on it on the days that he was the reason why the scary man was jealous.

That time, there were days that he keep on noticing that the weather is so hot but then when he was going to bath, the water suddenly become freezing cold that his teeth tatter, he thought it will crack because of the coldness. Sleeping time became much worst, because it was summer they were given thin blanket yet Senior Brother Hyun Min made it like it was in the middle of winter for him. He almost cried blood wanting to protest that he was a friend Sul Rang, why does he need to suffer from this man jealousy?

"You brat!" Zeik glared at Li Dong Wook. The man only showed his toothy grin while chewing the piece of meat.

"I'm full. See you later Brother Wook", Sul Rang sighs picking her plate, leaving the glaring Zeik and the smiling Li Dong Wook.

"See you later, Susu", he smirk at Zeik while waving at Sul Rang.

I'm not afraid of your infamous flying kick, what I'm afraid is bathing in ice cold water and sleeping in the middle of 'winter' with only thin blanket. And I'm afraid that I like Hyun Min for Susu more than you.

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