9.9 Forgotten Bishop

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12/30/19 8:13pm

Yue? Why I can't grasp this body's memories? Seraphine ask but Yue didn't respond to her question.


Again no one answer her calls. Seraphine felt lonely, she can't help but sob when the door burst open. A middle age man went inside, his face looked restless and there were two black circles around his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes.

"Sera-chan? You're really awake?" he said and stumbled just walking towards her. When he hugged her, he knew that his daughter was really awake. Now his fifteen years of waiting wasn't vain after all! His daughter did awake from coma after all.

"W-who are you?" she asked.

He frown but remember everything that happened. "Right, you're still kid then," he sighed.

"You are Serami Lei, in the game. You're also known as Seraphine Strauss," her father tell her the whole story that she and her mother went into car crash fifteen years ago. Unluckily, her mother passed away and leave her in a comatose state. The doctors told her father to give up on her too, because the chance of her waking up is very slim. Her father had no other choice but to take her home. Her father is a game programmer and can't accept the reality of loosing his only daughter that's why he cooperated with a big company in exchange of large amount to make a game that is not far from reality. That is why ✨4RVR✨ was made. To make the game more realistic, it needed a person to stand up as high intelligent person (HIP) inside the game. In this game, HIP can only log out if she or he can able to make it up to 100th level. Polo volunteer his daughter as one of the game's HIP. In this, he is risking the life of his daughter but he had a faith in her. With the help of the NPC Yohann, his daughter finally reach the desired level and can able to obtain the log off option.

"So that is the purpose of my character in the game father?" she asked.

"Yes! Yes. I'm sorry my child, I risk your life at stake,"

"It's okay that. But why did that I don't remember anything aside from being in the game?"

"I don't know child. Maybe you had an amnesia or maybe a child with only five years of age won't remember such traumatic accident," he told her. Sera nodded and tried to move her body. She was amazed that even after fifteen years of coma she can still move her hands and body perfectly. Shouldn't be, she will have a hard time because of the long time she didn't use her body?

"Oh. If you're asking why you can't move your body perfectly, it's because of Jonas. He was here everyday after his work and he help you massage your body," her father said when he notice her confusion.

"Who is Jonas?"

"Uh... Erm. Your self proclaim husband. I'm sorry child," he hesitate. Only then that she noticed the wedding band in her left ring finger.

"So you made me married a stranger," she said coldly.

Her father went on his knees.
"I'm sorry Sera-chan. But I owe him and to his family a lot. I promise to pay them by working for a lifetime but Jonas disagree. I promise him, I will return him the favor but it's you who he asked in return. I'm so sorry,"

Sera gritted her teeth. "Leave me alone,"


"I said. Leave me alone!"

With his head down, Polo leave the room with his heavy heart. Sera on the other hand, can't help but cry. No matter where world she came, there is only one in her heart. That is her lover and now that he's dead, no one can replace him. No one can claim her mentally or physically.

After taking a bath, Sera pick everything she would needed. Fortunately, even if Yue hasn't responding to her yet, her space is still in use.

"No bastard can claim me," she glared at the so called home before leaving it without looking back.

Now her mission is done. All she need to do is wait Yue for his response so he can eject her from this world.

A/n: more than ten votes I'll update again... More than fifteen votes, two chapters more than twenty, three chapters.. tehehehehe..

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