15.4 White Castle's Regret

621 29 3

12/25/2021 12am

A/n: Merry Christmas… *^____^*

“Do you still remember what our parents’ arrangement when we are still young? They arrange that when you and Eleonor comes to age. You will be wedded. We came here so you two could fulfill that promise now”

Sibel frowned. So, this is how the original body wedded to this unlikable woman who clings to him now like a snake. The original owner must spite himself so much for loving his wife that he is obsess in hurting her in return and in order to do so he married this woman.

But the original Sibel doesn’t know is that these siblings are more like leach that the more he is close to them the more they want to suck power from him.

“So when we’re going to held the wedding? If you have a problem with your current wife, you could give her to me ---“,


Before Thomas could finish his sentence, a dagger made through to the side of his neck cutting a small flesh of skin of his neck.

“Oops. I missed. Looks like I needed more training, my skills are lacking”, he said with a smile on his lips. The smile should be beautiful but it brought shivers to both siblings.

“Si—Sibel, what did you just do?” Thomas in pale face ask.

“Don’t you understand or you just lack of brain cells? You want me marry your sister because of some childhood arrangement?” he asked in a grim expression.

“Y-yes…” Thomas asked but stopped upon seeing Sibel dark aura. Before he could comprehend what’s going on, he was slam on the wall with Sibel’s hand on his neck. Eleonor tried to separate him from her brother but she only met his left hand also holding her neck.


“You two must remember this, because I remember every detail before and after that arrangement very well. My parents especially my father asked your father to hide my mother when the viscount searched for beautiful women that day. Yet what did your father did after that plead, he asked the viscount for money in exchange in my mother’s whereabout. Huh!” He clicks his tongue and throw the siblings who look at him with terrified expressions.

“I could have asked you both to stop this nonsense in a polite way but…” Sibel throw a look of bloodlust onto Thomas. “…you shouldn’t dare to involve my wife in your dirty fantasy. Because that made my blood boils”, he said kicking his groins. Thomas screamed in pain but his agony is only like a sweet music to the mad Sibel.

“My wife is only mine, anyone who would dare to covet her even look at her. I would love to torture them to death”, he said laughing evilly that scared the living soul of the two guests.

“But why Ibel? Her father killed your parents and took your sister away”, Eleonor shouted in bitterness. She can’t accept that the man she loves since they were kids will be taken away by a whore.

Sibel laugh mockingly. “Daughter or not. I’d still take her as my wife after I kill her father. Because the day my eyes laid on her, she’s mine and she can’t never escape from me”, he said with a creepy face.

“Psycho!” Thomas screamed but regret it when Sibel’s eyes laid on him.

“Right. This psycho will give you two a minute to run away and never ever show your face ever again or else. You will both know why my enemies in the war called me the Mad Dog”, he said as his eyes gleam deadly gaze.

The two in horror rush outside to their carriage and ask the coach to took faster away from the mansion. Sibel in blank expression pulled his gloves and throw it to the fireplace, remembering that snake woman embraced on his arms a while ago. He took off his clothes and put it on the fire as well.

Now that Eleonor is out of the picture. That murderer child should be out of the picture as well.

[That would be a problem host because that child will still exist in the story]

What do you mean Yue? I just prevent Eleonor and me from getting married.

[Yes host. But the child is already conceived]

Say what?! Then who’s the father of that child? Sibel never laid a hand on her. What you wouldn’t mean---

[Yes host. Thomas is the father of Eleonor’s child]

Sibel look the door where the sibling came out. Those disgusting siblings, he fortunate to drive them early before the story starts. .

Ugh. I need to sanitize myself from the existence of those two. Hmm. Charity must have her rest, right? I need to sanitize my body with her.

Yue: *Sighs* I pitied his wife already.

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