8.7 Knight's Last Melody

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11/09/19 8:39 pm

"Lance, will you ever come back to me?" Mayumi asked in wary tone. Her eyes went misty because of her dream, she dream about Lance leaving her. Never looking back to her and to their unborn child.

Lance kissed her temple like Jack did to Lock from the last time before he died.

"Whenever I go, it's only you whom I'm going back to,"

In his words, Mayumi can't help but sob. Why do she felt that this will be the last she will ever saw him again?

"I will come back. Just wait for me," he said with a small smile.

"General we're here," the soldier said that made Lance came back to his senses. In front of him stand a man hand in hand with a lady whose beauty was beyond comparison to any women he knew except his lover and himself from his past life.

Yue: Even at the time like this, host can still be narcissist? I'm amaze.

"Who are you?" he questioned in commanding voice.

A cunning smile cross at the woman's lips. Lance felt the tension and stand on guard.

"I am Elias and the lady beside me is my wife. Her name is Marikit. I'm sorry for being rude but we are just helping you to get away from that dangerous place," the male lead said without any hint of courtesy.

"Dangerous place?" Lance frowned.

"Yes!" Marikit replied. "That place is were the curse tree stand. That tree is the punishment made by the Goddess and Gods to the people who lived there. It eat any person who just came to that place and if you're lucky to miss its claws, the greed of its people will kill you,"

Lance reached his forehead and sigh. "Well that rumors are not true. If it is, do you think I will still standing here? Greed don't stay just in one place, it means not only in bad person but also in good person. Everyone has its own greed it's just that those evil once stand first on their greed than those who believe they are good,"

         Lance inhale sharply when he notice the thing that Marikit hidden in her sleeves.

"What do you mean?" she smiled.

He also smile and held his breathe. "I mean. To see a beautiful picture, you must capture every detail. In a story, even if you are detailed as the bad one doesn't mean that you are the worst. It's just, most antagonist doesn't encounter anything bad not unless they met the protagonist. You know what I mean? Janicka?"

     The woman's eyes widened in shock then her lips curled in vicious smile.

"So you still recognize me after all----" she wasn't able to finished her words with the sudden attacked from Lance.

It was then that she noticed that the time stops around them and Lance is holding a blade of air on his right hand and water on his left hand.

[Host this?]

"You bitch! Die!" Marikit scream as she summons her nature magic power. But because her magic is about plants, all her attack failed to touch Lance. Those plants died in dehydration when it tries to penetrate the margin that Lance draw between them.

"Die? I don't think so. And for the record, you don't have the right to call my real name," he said. As draw his sword from the system, he walk slowly towards Marikit. A sinister smile hang on his lips as he start to stab Marikit.

"You always find ways to kill me before. Now, I will be glad to torture in this world,"

When he finishes Marikit, time again flow but Lance didn't account the male lead when he felt a sharp cold pain from his back. Elias stabbed him from the back and his sword went through his chest. Everything turn black to him as he recall a smiling face from his memory. In her arms, she hold the baby that he promise he'll named after he comes back.

"Mayumi," he mumbles in the darkness.

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