2.5 Wasted Castle

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7/13/19 3:48 pm

The next day's Wen Chun Ye become very busy studying the Four Womanly Arts as she sneak a peak in her husband practising swordsmanship with his master. Ling Cai's fighting become intense as beads of sweat can be seen in his forehead but he was still handsome as ever in her eyes. She felt a sting inside her heart when he never looked at way and only focused on his fight.

In others eyes they can see that their future prime minister is working hard but they didn't knew that he was gritting inside his head. He choose to study and paid for Four Womanly Arts here he goes being a man, he must study now being rough as a man! They didn't know that he can't look at his wife because he was reminded that he wasted that points.

A shiny thing caught his eyes. He search for it until he saw a man from the shadow pointing his arrow at his wife. Dodging it won't be a choice since it was pointed at his wife, so even a little far away he run faster than he could. Wen Chun Ye smiled when she saw her husband running at her direction but then she notice the different look in his eyes as he hugged her. Ling Cai groaned when he felt the piercing pain in his back. Luckily, the arrow didn't went through his chest or else he might be in grave danger.

"Husband?" Wen Chun Ye asked, she panicked when Ling Cai cough mouthful of blood and collapse in front her. Blood splattered in his white robes as he check on her.

"Are you okay?"

Wen Chun Ye nod and scream for help hysterically when she saw that her husband is loosing his consciousness.

In just a wink of an eye, the whole Ling Jia household went in chaos especially the prime minister, his only son went in coma. They only can throw the blame on Wen Chun Ye that silently held her husband's hand on the corner of his head. It's been a week since he was shot, though the culprit is still unknown. One thing for sure is that their target is not the future prime minister but his wife.

A slap can be heard inside the room as Wen Chun Ye felt a sting on her left cheek. In front of her stand, Ling Cai's mother. Beside her was Jin Fei that is also furious that her Ling-ge save this slut who caused his heart break.

"If something happened to my son, I'll drive you out in my household for shame. If only Fei- er is not wedded to the crown prince I'll be more than happy to welcome her as my daughter in law", Mother Ling said while touching the corner of her eyes.

Wen Chun Ye bite her lower lip as her grip in the hem her dress tighten. She wanted to cry but she choose to be strong for her and their future.

"No one can drive my wife out of my state as long as there still air breathing inside my body."

Her eyes went misty as she look in her husband opened her eyes. There the warm gentle smile he always gave to her as he reach her now wet cheek.

"Did you miss me?"

Wen Chun Ye sob as she embraces him. "I misses you so much. I love you, Ling Cai"


Even their was still a slight pain inside Wen Chun Ye upon hearing his answer. She was more than happy that he was finally awake. Mother Ling immediately called for physician.

"Ling-ge", Jin Fei whispered. Ling Cai smile fondly at her as he nod. "How have you been Fei-er?"

Jin Fei pouted as she close her hands. She puff her cheeks seemingly angry at the man that makes Ling Cai laugh. "Just so you know, I'm angry! You stake your life and you almost die"

"I know I will not die"

The female lead arch her brows. "How so?"

"I'm too handsome to die. The Jade Emperor might be angry if in heaven I'll cause a ruckus for being handsome more than other God there"

Everyone inside the room laugh aside from one woman who seems start to blackening as she tighten her grip and bite her lower lip.

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