7.4 Untold Story of A Pawn

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10/08/19 11:20 am

"Mr. Haven, do you want some coffee?" her assistant asked. The coffee she was holding suddenly shook by the aura that her boss give off.

        Lock gripped to her pen as her eyes blaze in anger. That b*st*rd really made a score to her in their first meeting. Loosening her necktie, she lean on the chair and massage her temple. She look at the big box that was sent to her office this morning. That guy wants her to wear woman's cloth at a party and she did not, her secret will reveal.

"I want black coffee," she said after thinking for a long time. She pick the box and throw it at her hidden room. This room, was only the original owner knows and everything inside of it is a woman's cloth. Lock shouldn't surprise upon knowing this. After all, even if Lock Haven was raise as a man, she had the heart and body of a woman.

       She sighed. Surely this mission is hard than to be expected. If this civilization is always looking down at the women the was she supposed to make them accept her true identity? Only one thing that comes in her mind like the same Lock Haven. Gained more power, crashed men's ego.

She looked at the time then her eyes flew back to the gown before releasing a loud sigh. She pick the box and put it in her car. She pick her phone and dialled a single number.

"Fine! You win, but just so you know. I will not going to marry you!" not this fast.

She heard him laugh on the other side.

"Yeah. I won't force my way out. After all, at the end of the day you're still going to end up with me,"

She almost spat blood at his declaration. Annoyed, she throws her phone and smash it with her foot.

"Buy me another one. I accidentally broke mine," she said coldly at her secretary. Her secretary almost choke at her open denial.

He dropped the phone and smash it on her own and yet it accidentally broke? But as her secretary, she just bow and obey to buy another one. After all this kind of trivial things is only a simple things to her boss.

She was about to go when the door burst open, revealing a flushed female lead.

Lock frown at the careless woman as she checked at her.

"Betty. Someone's in my office. Call the security and drag this woman away from my office. I must gave words to those careless bastards. They seem wanted their sallary get deducted,"

As she was leaving, the female hugged her tightly. What didn't she expected is when the woman kissed her in the lips as the door flew open with the shock security and secretary.

"Please help me,"

Lock's face darkened. She already had enough from these kinds of character. Someone click from behind of the security and there stand the male lead with a dark expressions.

Lock sigh inside her head and pressed a pressured point making the female lead faint.

"I don't want any mess in my office ever again. This happened again and you could kiss your job goodbye," her words frightened everyone in the room. Before everyone could comprehend, a broken camera fell on floor and man with broken nose lay groaning.

Everybody stood silent as they looked at the culprit. It was the smiling Jack Gomez.

"Yo! I came here to pick up my partner. I don't know there are some action. Can I join in?"

Lock stood with her grim expressions. Her eyes were blank from so much fury as a scene played in her mind. It was her past life being ridiculed by everyone.

        Seeing this, makes the heart of Jack hurt. Like a knight in shining armor he pick the quiet woman in man's cloth in bride style leaving everybody shocked again from the scene that just played in front of them.

Is there someone just filming a movie with the theme of boy's love? Why do they are not informed?

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