12.5 Queen's Last Wish

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04/23/2020 10:03am

"You never tell me you're a girl," Hyun Min accused Sul Rang. To cover his embarrassment he feign angry at this shameless fox.

Sul Rang cooly drink her tea. Her face is still flushed pink from the bath. "You never asked, why bother to say?"

"Y-You. Why did you dress as a man? Are you crossdressing?"

"No. I'm just comfortable with man's clothes," she said honestly.

Hyun Min was lost for words. He really can't believed that he was fooled. "You need to change room,"

Sul Rang stopped sipping her tea. "Why?"

"Why? You're a woman. And unmarried man and woman can't stay in one room," he reason. Sul Rang frowned. Then how about Li Dong Wook? He boasted to her yesterday that his roommate is a woman. There is not much space so the two of them was placed in one room among with other woman.

"Can I go to my friend's room?" she said half irritated. Why does her husband in this world is so conservative?!

"This friend of yours, is it a man?" Hyun Min asked.


"Then no! You stay here inside. I'll just sleep outside," he in a sour mood. He just think that this prude woman will sleep with other man. He can't help but want to kill someone, especially that Sect Leader Kim's disciple after remembering his closeness to her.

In his sleep Li Dong Wook felt a sudden chill all around his body. Unconsciously he held his blanket on his even tighter.

"Stop being hypocrite Senior Brother. This sect isn't looking down on gender isn't it?" Sul Rang watch him while sipping her tea.

"Yes," he answer.

"Then let's share a room. It's not as if I'm going to assault you or anything," (Sul Rang)

"I'm not afraid that you're going to do that," I am more afraid of myself. What if I can't control some urges?

"...Rest assured, I won't harassed you in your sleep. I still have a heart to mend,"

"You already have someone else in your heart," he said quietly. He unconsciously clutched his fist below the table. He felt that his heart tighten at the mere thought of her falling in love with someone else.

"Yes. So you can free from yourself that I will bother you for inconvenience," she avoid his gaze but the pain is still can be seen in her eyes.

"Then I will do as what the law says," he sighed. Sul Rang beamed her most beautiful smile and reached the tea pot to fill his cup.

"Thanks Senior Brother,"

"Min-ge," Sul Rang raised her head from the sudden word. "Huh?"

"When we're alone. You can call me Min-ge," his cheeks glowed red. Her smile couldn't even more wider. Why do her husband is so adorable in this world?

"I'd rather not," she back down. Hyun Min's face fell, feeling so rejected. This girl is really heartless!

"Because if I will call you in that manner, that means you already had something to do with my life,"

"Y-You had a point," he felt dejected.

Sul Rang smiled and bow to him. "Thanks for understanding Senior Brother. We should get going, we still have to attend different class,"

Hyun Min nodded and follow her.

"Susu!" Li Dong Wook waved at her with a smile. But his smile froze when a glare was thrown at him by the person next to Sul Rang.

"Don't get closer to anyone here easily. You don't know yet if they are foe or ally," Hyun Min bitterly said. He had just eat medicine called truth and now a vinegar named Li Dong Wook keep on pouring at him.

Sul Rang gaze up. "I take it in my heart, Senior Brother"

Her lining words brought chill to Hyun Min. There is massive urges inside him that telling him that sooner or later it was him who'll suffer on his own words.

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