11.2 Invisible Scars of a King

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03/24/2020 10:57am

       The maple leaves falls as the soft breeze carried each one of it. Such a wonderful sight to watch but the eyes of the girls population wasn't focusing on the falling leaves but on the handsome boy walking under the tree of it.

"Uhh! He was so handsome! I would die just to have a night under him!" one of the girls squeal.

Other girls nod as they drool over the school president buddy. Their teachers only sighed in resignation to this high hormonal girls.

           A girl wearing thick eye glasses with a neat bun hair sitted in her chair like she doesn't care of what's going on from the outside. Her eyes focused on the book she'd been reading but her thoughts says otherwise. Her gaze lingers on the picture in the book, a flower that symbolizes first love.

         Outside the school building, Lilac can't help but pout his lips while studying the files about Sara Maple Hunter. He wrinkled his noise as he talk to Yue.

Just make sure that this woman is the soul of my husband or else I'll hundred percent sure to fail this one! He threatened. If he was in his past self, he wouldn't care but they're talking about his other half and he can't afford to betray him just to accomplish his missions.

[Hundred percent host, that girl is inhabited with your husband's soul]

Lilac glared at the invisible system. He click his tongue before going upstairs. On his way, he can't help but felt disgusted at the girls drooling over him and eyeing him like he was the most delicious dessert on Earth.

If you made another wrong move, forget all things I say to you before.

His classmates can't help but squeal when he open the door. There eyes had this shape of heart that made Lilac think this things also happened in schools. She thought it only happened in anime. He sat at his seat which is near at the door, beside him seated Sara. The reason why many of their girl classmates hated her but it wasn't her fault. Their sitting arrangements was arrange by the time and date they enrolled to the university.

Lilac gaze at his side when he notice the visible wounds on Sara's arms. Some are still fresh like it was just already made this morning. He opened his mouth but closed it again and focused on the teacher discussion. After the lecture, Sara stand up and walk away from the room. In corner of Lilac's eyes, he saw the girls with an evil smirk follow her outside.

He bit down his thumb before finally decided to go after them. At the back of the school building, he saw them trying to get some money from her. When they can't get a sum, they about to hit her when they suddenly hear his voice.

"Ah, yes sir. The old chairs are behind the building, right here," he lied.

"We're not finished!" One of the girl pointed her finger to Sara before she push her aside. Leaving her there alone.

When they're shadows are nowhere to found, Lilac reveal himself from the dark corners. "Are you still in one piece?"

"You--- President!,"

A kind smile cross on Lilac's face as he walk towards her. His eyes darted down at her wounds which she unconsciously hide at her back. "How long they have been bullying you?"

Sara shrugged her shoulder. "Quiet some---" she gasped, wasn't able to finish her sentence when Lilac grabbed her arm and gently unfolded the long sleeve, exposing some black and blue bruises.

"Please, don't report this," she beg. Lilac sigh as anger glint in his eyes, now that he confirms that this woman is his husband, he can't afford to let any other people hurt her.

"I won't do that, if that's what you want but you owe me favor,"

"Huh?" Sara was dumbfounded. She doesn't want to report this situation because she was afraid that this news will come to sister Aila. But there she goes, digging another problem.

"What do you want?" She can't help but compromise. A small smile crossed on Lilac's face. "I like someone else but I need to get her attention, I want her to get jealous and finally fall in love with me," I need you, my husband to fall in love with me as soon as possible.

"You mean?,"

"Pretend to be my girlfriend and never leave by my side," he said in a serious tone.

"Uhh---?" Again, Sara was cut off when Lilac lowered his head and claimed her lips. He even pulled her closer to deepened the kiss. "Please pretend, she was there at your back," he said between the kisses. Sara was left speechless but she can't do anything thing, she was totally bounded to his spell.

Lilac grin at the back of his mind, looks like, his husband method from the game world is worth to take a shot.

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