12.7 Queen's Last Wish

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04/27/2020 8:35pm

"Dress accordingly to your gender and age. Have fun in the upcoming festival", the vice sect leader announced happily. Winter was about to start and before they could seclude themselves in a long time, they were given a time to enjoy the winter festival that will be held in the downtown.







Sul Rang frown. They have a break?

Women squeals and men shout, this is the event they've been waiting for. To have a date with the person they admire.

Sul Rang stared at the stack of men's clothes in front of their courtyard. If crossdressing is prohibited then what clothes would she wear if all of the original owners clothes had been abandon by her from that assassination attempt.

"Take this," a voice from behind her spoken. Sul Rang gaze the person behind her. Hyun Min was stretch a bag towards her.

"This is---" a woman's clothes.

"I already figured out that they will give you a wrong clothes base on the former clothes you wear on your first day here," he stated.

She sighed. "Heh.. My bad. But men's clothes are way more comfortable than women's clothes,"

She reached the clothes and gave him a smile. "Thanks Senior Brother"

Hyun Min nod and immediately turn his back on her. Hiding the blush in his face.

She went to their room to change clothes while Hyun Min went to the bathroom. When she finally got out, a handsome back faced her. His hair was tied in half and the rest was just let out while he had a color blue band that cover his forehead. His robe is blue while the linen is black. Sul Rang can't help but drool inside her head. Her husband is a total eye candy!

She blushed when his eyes caught hers checking out on him. Hyun Min's gentle smile froze when he saw Sul Rang's dress. Her pink dress hugged her body that shows her thin waist. Her porcelain complexion complement the pretty dress to highlight her natural beauty that doesn't need any make up. Her average length hair was lace with pins that made her look like a walking fairy. It's been months since she came to the sect and her hair have grown a little longer.

Maybe, he shouldn't save that clothes and let her dress up as man like the other time. He's afraid that she might caught everyone's attention and they will took her from him.

"Let's go. I'll accompany you," he offer his hand which she gladly accepted. Hiding her smiles, she nod at him. "Thank you Senior Brother"

As they walked towards the waiting group, eyes bulge when they recognize Sul Rang especially Li Dong Wook.

"Susu, what's going on? It was clearly stated that cross-dressing is forbidden so why?" he was confused.

Sul Rang scratch her eyebrows. "That's...,"

"That's the reason why she is dress like this because crossdressing is forbidden," Hyun Min said. His face is still stoic.

      A long silence caught them before their eyes widened in shocked. "What?!"

Li Dong Wook was about to open his mouth when his gaze went to the intertwined fingers of Sul Rang and Hyun Min that the former person seems didn't notice. He closed his mouth and smiled mostly to himself.

She's taken. Too bad for me. Person like her was most likely taken by either capable or most handsome people.

In this case, Hyun Min was raised in both aspects. He sighed when the gate was opened. He was just handsome not capable enough.

Sul Rang was amazed at the night market. The parallel world of the ancient Korea was really breathtaking. The lanterns which lighten the street added the solemn but joyful aura of the place. She really did enjoy the different view.

       On the other hand, the person beside her, enjoy the view of different display of emotions on her face.

I really fell at first sight to her. And now she stole my heart even more.

They both stopped when people started to flew some lanterns with their wishes written on it.

"Do you want something like that?" Hyun Min asked. Sul Rang's eyes went to him then sparkled. She nodded and he both her a pink one. She smile and write her wishes.

"Are you done? Let's have it fly," he suggested.

They went to a higher place and let it fly. Sul Rang closes her eyes abd wish with her heart on.

"What did you wish?"

"I wish to fulfill these lifetime's (original owners) wishes. How about you?" Sul Rang said opening her eyes.

"I only wish you find your happiness with me," his eyes met Sul Rang's eyes. Before he could stopped himself, he already lower himself and claim her lips.

While people enjoy the final moment of the festival. The shadows of two people sharing a kiss under the light of several flying lanterns was hidden by the canopy of trees. No one can take notice them except the stars and the night cloud.

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