5.4 Abandoned King

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8/25/19 4:35 pm

As a normal nerdy girl, no one paid attention to Selena when she went to school just as she expected. What she didn’t know that a possessive someone had already warn the school population that whoever look at her even just glance will be kidnapped and throw far away.

The glasses and short hair didn’t minced any beauty on Selena. Instead, it added a refreshing aura on her make everyone can’t help but be awe to her cuteness especially a certain prince that transform into a scary stalker he once hated. As practical she barely listen to the teacher’s discussion as she draw something non-comical as she passed her sleepy eyes. Trying so hard to listen even the voice of her teacher sounds like a lullaby. She pinch her hand hard that almost draw some blood but still failed. She was too sleepy that she didn’t notice a person that seats beside her.

After three hours of class, Selena yawn and make her way to the door. Completely ignoring everyone else, she was hungry and can’t help but misses the food. She smiled while looking at the menu as she point at the dishes that make her mouth watered. Chicken soup, chicken barbecue, fried chicken, chicken stew. The staff smile fall at her ridiculous order, all chicken. If they had offered chicken juice, will she buy?

“Do you want any rice young miss?”

“Yes! Just half cup of rice only. I’m on diet”

The staff almost spit, and she dare to say that she’s on diet after all that ridiculous order. Thus, as customer, she was given all she wants. After getting the order, Selena promptly seat in the vacant seat and silently eat her food. She smile as she savor all the chicken in her mouth. In all the worlds she’d been hopping, chicken is all what her soul calling.


Selena look at the table beside her foods as a chocolate bar was put on it. She stared at it then look up to see a serious looking prince. “For you”

Her mouth gape open, how did he come here at the school? It was clearly known that she dropped out just to stay away from him. He even wearing the same uniform as her classmates. “Why are you here?”

A smirk cross at his lips as he sat in the chair in front of her. “I’m here to annoy the hell out of you”

Selena made sneer as she push the chocolate towards the prudent prince. If it only her she’d been willing to accept it without a second thought but the body she’d been possessing is allergic to chocolate what’s more is that she herself hates hazel nuts within the chocolate.

“Thanks but no thanks. I don’t want to die from allergy reaction”

The prince lips open when a sudden shot of gun can be hear at the school. The prince secret guard suddenly appeared as if they trying to protect him. Selena ignored the commotion as she enjoy eating her chicken when the sudden panic from the students caused her meal to be thrown at the ground. Covering it all with dirt and mud. Her eyes turn misty as she rage opening her space system.

You’ve gonna pay for my spoiling my meal! She screamed inside her head. She pick her gun and aimed at the goons who shooting at the child version of the female lead. She count all the goons as she shot them straight through their heads, every shot didn’t miss. “Watch out!” the prince scream at her but her reflexes was prominent. She pushed the prince to the side as she step her right leg on the long chair while the left was still rooted at the ground and hit the last goon. Once the commotion was gone, she stared helplessly at the food and sigh in disappointment. She lowered her head and leave the canteen, she need to drink some milk to freshen up her already bad mood.

She doesn’t know that she rendered everyone silents as she overbearingly dominates the whole school.

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