"Chocwit milk!" Eva exclaims, amusing everyone.

"Chocolate milk for the lady," Zach smiles, "Coke for me, apple juice my man right here," he points to Eddie who played with the silverware in the table now, "and..." he now points at Eve.

It took Eve half a second to realize that was her cue. "Oh! Sprite please," she smiles.

"No problem, the drinks will be right up and then I'll take your orders," the waitress said.

Eve smiles at her before turning her attention in Zach. "How do you feel?" She asked.

Zach raised his eyebrows in confusion

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Zach raised his eyebrows in confusion. "About...?"

"The last test!" She reminded him as Eva squirmed in her lap. "You're almost off the bench!"

Zach shrugged his shoulder as he looked over the menu. "Not much about it really," he lied. In reality, he felt bittersweet about the whole thing. So, deciding to take a chance, he spoke up. "Actually..." he said, catching her attention. "I️ know we had a bit of a rough start and again, I️ apologize for being such a, racist asshole," he tells her. "But, you've helped me so much. And, I think we make a good team...Evie."

"Thanks quarterback," she gives him an appreciative smile. "Means a lot." Before She could say something, Eva started to get fussy in her arms. "What Eva?" She asked her sister, as if she'd answer her. "What do you want?" She asked her again. Eva instead started to cry. "Oh no. Where's a chocolate milk? I️ think that's what she wants," she tells Zach.

Zach hurried off to the counter to ask for the waitress when a white couple sitting in front of them turned and gave them dirty looks. "Excuse me? We're trying to eat in peace here," the older white woman said.

"I'm sorry! She's just hungry," Eve quickly explained. Eddie stood up from his chair and tugged in Eve's elbow. "Eddie! Stop!" She scolded.

"I'm bored!" Eddie complained.

"Sit down!" She ordered him in a whisper-hushed tone. "Zach will be back soon. Maybe he'll entertain you."

The white women and presumably her husband turn to look at them again. "Can you get your kids under control?" Her husband now said in an annoyed tone.

Eve rolls her eyes. Common misconception that never fails. "They're not my kids! And I'm trying as best as I️ can!" She snaps.

"Obviously not hard enough," the white lady huffs.

"You wanna try to soothe two cranky toddlers yourself?" Eve challenged. "Didn't think so," she rolled her eyes.

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