Book III-Chapter 108, Gretchen

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Prince's POV

Prince woke up early on Tuesday morning. The build of energy that always happened as he approached a performance had begun. He lay there quietly organizing his thoughts before getting into the day. They would rehearse at 2:00 PM today at The Stork Club. Bella would be busy this morning getting everything they needed packed as they would be on a plane tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM on their way to New York where they would play tomorrow night. They would stay overnight and then head to Philly also at 10:00 AM for a 3:00 PM sound check at the Tower Theater which was the venue in which they were performing on Thursday evening. After crashing for the night at the beautiful 5 star Rittenhouse Hotel they would head back to Detroit for a performance at The Stork on Friday night. The final performance on this mini-tour would be in Chicago on Saturday night, New Years Eve. They would sound check at the Chicago Theater at 3:00 PM, perform at 7:00 PM and then again at an after party at The Blues Club beginning at 2:00 AM. They were scheduled to play until 4:00 AM. Bella, however, was taking no bets that Prince would actually only play for 2 hours. He did not do this often so she was leaving that up to him. She would only intercede if it got to be too crazy and she felt he was hurting himself. Prince smiled at that thought. Bella always took such good care of him. Bella heard his thought and almost giggled...but held back and did not. Prince looked at the clock and saw that it was 5:20 AM. Rolling over on his side, he kissed Bella who appeared to be sleeping and got up and headed to the bathroom. He pulled on a robe and went to the kitchen to put on some coffee. The house was really quiet as everyone else was still sleeping. Once the coffee was on, he sat at the table listening to the sound of it brewing, enjoying the aroma and thinking about his early morning conversation with Frank about Gretchen on Christmas morning. It was downright weird, but he was getting used to that. He was really angry about the chocolates that he was sure she had sent to Bella and wondered just how bad the verdict would be on what they were designed to do to her. One thing he knew for sure...he would kill her before she got another opportunity to hurt his Bella. "No you won't Prince", he heard Bella's husky morning voice say quietly. He looked up and saw her standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She looked like a vision of loveliness in the Emerald Green fleece lined robe she was wearing. Lord God she was beautiful. "Come here you", he said. She walked over to him and he stood as she approached. Pulling her to him he kissed her deeply, passionately and releasing her, looked deeply into her amazing eyes. "Prince, you know that most likely we are talking about a demon that has possessed Gretchen. We will follow Ray's direction, as it is too dangerous not to". "Bella I think she was trying to kill you. I will not stand by"...Bella stepped closer to Prince and kissed his lips and then said softly, "Baby I understand...but I need you with me to have our babies and to raise them. I cannot have you flying off the handle half cocked every time some demonic activity shows up in our lives. That is what they want you to do. We must be more strategic than that. We know we will be targeted...we must accept that and adjust to becoming strategic thinkers no matter how angry their behavior makes us. Our lives depend on it and eventually, so will our children's"! Prince looked at Bella for a long couple of seconds and then said, "thank you Mama for always keeping me on track. You are right, I must be more strategic". He hugged her and as he did, he thanked his God for the gazillionth time for giving him Bella. She was everything he needed, and nothing that he didn't. Bella poured and dressed their coffee and they returned to their room to dress and get ready for both the sound check and tomorrow's travel.

Ray's POV

Ray and his family had really enjoyed Christmas. It was the first one he had spent with them in two years, so it was really special. The entire family had enjoyed hanging out with Prince and Bella and their clan. The desserts were wonderful, the gifts awesome and the company just like an extension of family...which in a way they had become. As they were leaving Prince had given each of the boys a silver dollar...a very old silver dollar. He told Ray not to let them spend or play with them until he had read through the certified papers that had come with them. Apparently they were quite valuable. He had ordered them when they were in Florida and they had arrived just in time for Christmas. There was a fourth one for Anna Elizabeth too. Prince really was a generous soul. Ray had collected them from the boys before leaving the house and had returned them and let them put them into their home safe personally once they arrived home.

Ray had not liked the story of Gretchen showing up at the church at all. Combined with the smell of those chocolates, he knew they were dealing with a very old and treacherous demon. He would take the chocolates to a lab where a friend of his would analyze them today. He would also devote time to prayer to cover Prince, Bella and his family, Carlos and Elaine and all that were involved in his miracle musical ministry with the blood of the Savior. He would also, he promised his God and himself, eliminate this threat to their well matter the cost. He had made love to his beautiful Jeannette which always calmed and strengthened him and enjoyed the peaceful sleep that only the Savior could grant. When he woke the next morning, he helped Jeannette by dressing the boys and feeding Anna Elizabeth while Jeannette made breakfast. Her sister would arrive from Chicago this afternoon to assist her while he was on the road. Immediately after breakfast he headed out to the lab to have the chocolates tested. Before noon, he would know what he needed to but  also dreaded knowing.

Gretchen's POV

Gretchen had gotten up at about 7:00 in the morning after Christmas. She was due at work at 9:00 AM but wanted to have a little extra time to look her best. She would see Prince today...and he would be alone...and she would use that to her advantage. Bella wasn't dead...yet but she would be far too ill to perform. A chuckle that sounded truly evil arose from Gretchen's throat...she sat down at her dressing table and applied her makeup and then put on her dress. She had chosen a short, tight, red dress designed to show off her cleavage and her ass as it was not the round booty that Prince was used to she knew, but Bella would not be around much longer to compare it to...she laughed again, this time out loud and getting up checked her appearance and putting on her coat headed to work.

Bella's POV

Kendra had called them to breakfast at about 8:30 and after Prince and Bella had cleaned up the kitchen they then returned to their room. Bella checked their costumes and once sure that everything was accounted for put them into the two zipper bags. One for Prince and one for herself. She then packed their bags for Thursday, Friday and Saturday as well as their 3 days of leisure in Chicago and made certain that the clothes they would wear on the plane tomorrow were pressed and ready including their accessories. Prince was in the music room reviewing the set list for rehearsal while she worked on this. Just as she finished, he wandered back into the bedroom. She was bent over the bed closing one of the suitcases. He looked at her beautiful ass and could not help himself. He smiled and smacked her on it lightly. She turned around and found herself drawn into a warm and romantic embrace and a sweet and passionate kiss. "Bella you have the prettiest ass in the world", Prince said as he ended their kiss. "Oh you" she said laughing and kissed him again.

"Baby, I would like to pray with you before we get ready for lunch and to go to rehearsal". "Okay Mama". They sat on the small sofa and held hands and Bella began to pray. "Holy Father, Creator of the Universe, You who have done so many wonderful deeds for the people of the earth over many centuries, we simply want to say thank You for all of them. Thank You for loving Prince and myself so much that to ensure our happiness and our ability to endure whatever comes, You gave us each other. Thank You for our families, for our close and loving friends, thank You for our body guards whom I am convinced were handpicked by You to fulfill that role in our lives, keeping us safe so that we can continue to do Your work and Your will. Thank You for bringing Ray and Jeannette and their wonderful children into our lives. Thank You for the special skills You have seen fit to give to Ray that he might help to keep our lives demon free. Lord lead and guide us to do what You would have us do in this current situation with Gretchen. Keep Prince on the road of Your will and allow me to assist in whatever way you would have me do it. Father keep my Prince safe in the palm of Your hand. We love You Lord and will serve You all the days of our lives. In Jesus name, Amen and Amen! Prince had listened closely to Bella's prayer and as always it had moved him tremendously. The purity of her love always caught him by surprise...very pleasantly so. He pulled her close and nuzzling her neck with his nose said in a whisper, "thank you Bella...and thank You Lord for her and for everything". He stood up and said "let's take a bath before lunch". He went into the bathroom to start the water and took the time alone to clear his eyes of the happy tears he had experienced. It felt so good to be loved like this...especially because he loved her right back. He turned the water on and as it filled, added lavender bath oil and bubble bath. Bella came in totally nude and they climbed in the tub to enjoy touching each other and just being in each other's company. Their performance tonight would be especially pleasing to all emotionally just as they pleased each other! Once they had bathed, they dressed, Prince cleaned the tub and they went down to lunch and within the hour were on their way to The Stork Club to meet up with their band and rehearse for tonight's performance.

Another Chance Book I of IIITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon