Time to Talk-1(b)

49 7 2

1. How would you differentiate 'hardships to test you' from bad omens?

Bad omens will take you away from Allah. And the hardships will take you closer to Him.

2. How do you know it's an omen and not your own biased inclination towards something making you look at it as if it were an omen?

I think, to anyone who has ever made something, literally willed it into existence. It was first made in his imagination. Then in reality. So I don't think it's wrong if it's my own biased inclination towards my own goals if it makes me accomplish them.
It works for me. Because see, I know that I won't succeed every time. And I might make bad choices in the long run. But I'm gonna learn from those mistakes. I won't let myself get so much caught in bad omens and stuff that it stops me from taking decisions in life and at the end leave me doing nothing but just think whether it's good or bad for me.

Some wise words by SMubashirAli7 for us all to ponder over. Thank you for your participation! 

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