I do

53 11 2

Do you think I do not notice?
How your eyes dart to mine when I'm silent for a little too long, how you sense my discomfort and roll your eyes at my forced laughs. But I break eye contact and muster a smile if it can prevent you from dragging me out of there when you were clearly enjoying.

Do you think I do not notice?
How you make your way through to be by my side and I remind you of all the better options you just missed on your way, while keeping my heartbeat normal and my face from glowing.

Do you think I do not notice?
The subtle compliments and your observant remarks or your warmth channelled towards me in unexpected ways.
I may have seemed to smile and ignore it but I want you to know I am not used to kindness, I suck at expressing, I melt at good intentions and I may burst if you do any more.

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