Lend me your Ear -2

69 15 18

From always trying to be there in times of need and grief, to contemplating how to feel and cope with the burden no one knows you're carrying, this poem came into existence.

So tell me if its okay
To be happy
Or to smile?
When your eyes are teary
Your world; a crumpling pile
I know its not
They say its wrong
I don't know what to feel
They call me unhappy
They call me unworthy
All I need is peace
I need you to tell me
All your troubles and your fears
But I needn't you pull me
Into the misery I can't bear
I love you so much
Your every cry I wanna hear
Anytime; anywhere
Yours tears I will share
No matter the time, place
You'll find me standing right here
Right here
Waiting for you
With my arms open
With my face glowing
I'll be waving at you

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