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Quite often, I find myself wanting to go into quarantine. Just somewhere I can be alone. (Not with a serious illness ofc)

For a long while, where I don't have to talk to anyone and no one talks to me. Where it's quiet, where it's peaceful. Where there's nature, books and basic food. And safety. Where I can sit as long as I want to. Where I'm unreachable, and unavailable for people for as long as it takes me to be okay, to recharge.

But then, I think, silence isn't peaceful, if lived with for a long while, it messes with your head, you yearn to listen to sounds, voices, just anything at all before you lose your sanity.

And I think, this introversion which I let define me, is just a lie. A definition fed to us by social media just to limit ourselves and give us a vessel to fit in, a boundary to stay in, humans aren't like that. Humans aren't defined that way. They're much more free and diverse and unique than we take them for. We don't need to fit in the given categories or personality types. We don't need to be one of the 16 types of personalities. We don't. We might be a combination of more than one, or we might be none of them, we might be the 17th. We never know.

Yet we define ourselves, thereby limiting ourselves and narrowing our horizons instead of broadening them.

It scares me, what a human can do and be and live if they're fully aware.

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