Dear Listener

71 17 11

No darling,
I don't know how to keep it short.
How to talk about one thing and not be distracted with the tens and twenties of sub-stories that need to be mentioned.
How to not add in my ideas and thoughts and principles like short memos, in between it.
How to keep my feelings at bay, and not be expressive.
How to define things 'rationally' and 'neutrally' like my brother tells me to.
So if you got the patience, dear listener, tune in.
I'll give you the best seat and welcome you to the roller coaster of my one story and all its intricacies.
But if you...don't have that sort of time today, and have your hands occupied,
Then, it's alright.
I'll give you what you want, 'It was good, nothing special.'

The Mind Talks ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon