Sadness-an Emotion too

68 17 20

I feel bad for sadness. 

Sadness is an emotion too. An individual, walking, talking emotion; independent of any other. 

Then why don't we treat it like that? Why is everyone so desperate to get rid of it? Why can't we embrace it as a separate individual emotion? Just the way it is, instead of turning it into something else?

I don't see people, happy people wanting to get rid of their happiness. Why? 

Feeling positive. Feeling negative. Feeling happy. Feeling sad. Well, who gets to decide which emotion is negative and which one is positive? Why do we even have to divide them into those two categories?
Why not let them be their own category? 

Feeling blue is an idiom used to describe 'sadness, grief, being depressed'. I don't see why would they categorize blue like that. When I think of blue, it reminds me of the sea, I love the sea! When I think of blue, it reminds me of the sky above us and how it inspires me. But we really aren't sitting here altering grammar, so yeah. 

Next time you encounter a person feeling sad, don't tell them to be 'happy'. Tell them it's okay to be sad and embrace it while they're at it. 

Teach your kids that. 

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