That man

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That man.
The man who kisses your forehead when you're asleep. The man who looks into your eyes and know what's wrong. The man who holds you and cherishes you like you're something precious, to be handled gently. The man who protects you from everything in the world, sometimes even himself. The man who never yells at you, no matter how angry you make him. The man who always grins at you not letting you know how stressed he is. The man who works greater than his potential, giving his all just to feed you and provide for you. The man who keeps asking if you need something, even when he knows his pockets are empty. The man who puts all of his trust in you, however bleak the situation gets. The man who sacrifices his own goals and desires to ensure you achieve yours. The man who expects nothing in return but your love and loyalty.

That man is your dad.

All the girls out there, before you start looking for your prince charming, turn around and see the king.
Respect him, he's not always going to be around.

18th June, Father's Day.
A tribute to all the dads out there.

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