Shrek is Target

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>be me

>be 9

>at target school shopping

>cant find Shrek backpack

>ask employee for help

>she says Shrek is out of style so they dont order those anymore

>i tell her the ogrelord wouldn't like that

>she says Shrek is drek but ill take a look in the back

>i realize what she said as she walks away

>she doesn't believe in the ogrelord

>i pray to Shrek

>i wait a few minutes but nothing happens

>i cant believe the ogrelord has not answered my prayers

>i start waking away when i notice onions popping seams of backpacks

>i turn around and see Shrek standing with the ladys head

>i am overjoyed that the ogrelord has answered my pleas

>"its not ogre yet"

>i know what is coming

>i get down on all fours and spread my cheeks for Shrek

>the ogrelord puts the ladys head over his and enters my hole

>her head barely fits over the mighty cock

>i feel my ass tearing apart but i stand the pain for his onioniness

>Shrek lets out a roar and empties love into me

>i feel it coming out of the heads orifice

>pulls out but the head stays in

>reaches in with fist and pushes it in farther

>finally the head gets pulled out with his fist

>i feel myself starting to fade

>as my vision goes i hear something whispered

>"its all ogre now"

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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