Shrek is Camp

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>be me

>be 15

>camping with class

>picking wild onions for his onioniness

>group of kids snicker at me

>i ask them whats so funny

>they say its how gay i am

>i say im not although the ogrelord would not judge me for it any way

>they say Shrek is a faggot

>i tell them that the his onioniness has no preference

>they tell me to suck a dick

>i say present it to spite them

>they kick me really hard and tell me to call my ogre boyfriend

>thats the last straw they have insulted the ogrelord enough

>i pray to Shrek

>onions shoot out from snake holes

>the ogrelord rips through tree with his mighty cock

>picks up too halves and throws them at boy and girl on ends

>they smash through their rib cages and stick into ground

>his onioniness leaps at last one and grabs his hands

>arms are bent back towards boys rectal muscle

>they start to creek and they break in Shrek's strong ogre hands

>boy screams and kicks back

>his onioniness takes it but gets angry

>the ogrelord rips off arms completely and thrusts them into boys anus

>boy coughs up blood and tries to scream

>Shrek lets go and boy falls over dead

>the ogrelord turns to me and says "its not ogre yet"

>his onioniness grabs my legs and hangs me upside down

>i open my mouth for his giant member

>i fall down on it and immediately feel pain

>it pushes against my chest and starts to tear

>Shrek lifts me and repositions me

>i fall down again and feel my stomach start to rumble

>i jerk my body and it goes all the way in

>i am a shish kabob for mighty dick

>his onioniness pulls me off fast and my body aches

>i hear the words "its all ogre for now" in my ear and see trees falling in path

>the ogrelords presence has left me

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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