Shrek is Cruise

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>be me

>be 9

>taking cruise in the Bahamas

>sitting by bar waiting for drink

>lady keeps telling me i cant have one

>she is being ridiculous but i can handle her

>i tell sweet cheeks to listen and she slaps me

>says if i am old enough for alcohol i am old enough to respect women

>she has hurt me and i still dont have a drink

>i tell her i said exactly what Shrek would have wanted

>she says i am even more childish than she thought with that ogre shit

>she has just called the ogrelord childish while swearing like a child herself

>that does it

>i pray to Shrek

>i wait in the bar for a long time but see no onions

>maybe i have called the ogrelord in vain

>i feel terrible as i walk out of the bar

>then i smell it


>i search for the smell only to see that the boat is not moving

>i find the problem when i look at the smoke stack

>it is blocked by a giant onion

>i run to the side of the ship and look through a telescope into the distance

>i spot something green in the distance

>its Shrek

>it looks like his onioniness is getting ready for something big

>an onion bops up on the side of the boat

>i jump on to it and start being pulled toward Shrek

>it stops and i tell the ogrelord i knew he would punish the bartender bitch

>"you thought wrong laddeh" 

>im about to ask what that meant but the ogrelord jumps so high in the air i cant see him

>comes in fast and slams into the water head first

>i understand now

>his onioniness isnt just punishing the bartender 

>the whole boat is facing judgement

>a giant wave of water forms and goes toward the boat

>i cant even hear screams as wave devours the ship

>the wave goes down and i see no ship

>they are all dead

>"its all ogre now" his onioniness says

>Shrek signals to a helicopter close by with onion reflections 

>i get an onion up my bum before his grace sinks into the water

>i await my ride back to society in the chopper

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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