Shrek is Drug Deal

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>be me

>be 19

>at drug deal

>trading chews for injectors

>guy is really big and has bodyguards

>i hand him my case and he hands me his

>they open mine and see my goods

>they start yelling and tackle me

>i ask what theyre doing

>they throw stuff onto ground and the Shrek vitamins spill everywhere

>he asks what this crap is

>i say theyre the best chewables around

>he tells guards to ruff me up and see if i get serious

>i yell he will be sorry for disgracing the ogrelord

>he turns and puts a knife to my chin

>i look him in the eye and am not scared

>he pulls knife to swipe and i do what i must

>i pray to Shrek

>blade comes down but is blocked by onion

>bodyguards are ripped away from my shoulders

>drug lord screeches and runs a way

>i turn around to see a mangled ball of human parts held by his onioniness

>the ogrelord rolls the ball at leader like a bowling ball

>it hits and crushes him

>leg bone is out of skin after ball rolls over

>Shrek rips bone out of leg and man screams

>his onioniness breaks bone in half and shoves halves into mans noseholes

>man stops screaming as bones break surface of his cranium

>the ogrelord rips off his head and brings it to me

>drops it on the ground and says "shape up laddeh"

>his onioniness breaks through the concrete next to me and im showered with dust

>have i upset the ogrelord

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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