Shrek is Wedding

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>be me

>be 20

>getting married to girlfriend

>she walks up the aisle and is beautiful

>we do vows and man asks for objections

>someone says i object

>its her dirty uncle

>he says were only together because of that Shrek nonsense

>others agree

>man wont marry us once he hears that

>we are so upset and angry at this

>we look at each other and nod

>we pray to Shrek

>onions bloom in bouquets

>Shrek bursts through onion cake

>"ogres are not like cake"

>people scream and try to run

>the ogrelord swings giant penis and knocks all but one of them far far away

>dirty uncle is only one left

>his onioniness grabs him and says "this is my swamp"

>squeezes the jelly from his eyes

>uses it as lube to fist his anus

>Shrek rips arm out of uncles back

>he's dead

>ogrelord turns around and says "its not ogre yet"

>we ready ourselves for Shrek

>his onioniness grabs us both and tears off our clothes

>puts member through girlfriend's entire body and it comes out of her mouth

>says "you may now kiss the bride"

>i do

>hot ogre cum fills my body and drips from my nose

>"i knight thee"

>we are married now in the eyes of the ogrelord

>Shrek says "its all ogre now"

>smashes through window and vanishes

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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