Shrek is Taco Bell

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>be me

>be 18

>working my shift at taco bell

>i give the customer their doritos locos tacos and welcome the next customer

>they ask for the three signature taco meal

>i tell him we are out of cheese so he will have to order something else

>he asks if can he have it without cheese

>i say im sorry but it is not allowed

>he says thats ridiculous and i apologize but its the rules

>he says the rules dont make sense

>id like to agree but i cant so i just say im sorry

>he starts yelling and asking for my manager

>i get the manager and he talks the man down

>he offers a free cheeseless signature taco meal

>i say thats against the rules

>my manager says its ok and well just make the customer happy

>its not fair but i cant do anything about it

>the man asks if there are onions on the meal and he is told no

>he says good because he doesnt eat onions

>how dare he

>first he demoralizes the fine establishment and now he avoids the holy onion

>this is unacceptable

>i pray to Shrek

>onions burst the cash register drawer open

>the ogrelord himself comes from the bathroom wielding a brown stained urinal

>i glare at the customer knowing he will get what he deserved

>his onioniness walks up to the pair slowly

>their mouths agape they stand basking in his onioniness's radiance

>the customer gets down on his knees and starts praying

>he kneels down to Shrek and worships him

>the ogrelord reaches over the counter and grabs my manager

>what is happening

>his onioniness begins to swing the urinal down

>my boss explodes in a shower of sparkles and cherry lip balm

>i ask his onioniness what is going on

>"he was charmed"

>i stand in shock

>my boss had been working for prince charming

>i get on my hands and knees and beg forgiveness

>"you didnt know laddeh"

>i get pulled up to my feet as well as the rude customer

>i apologize to him as i did not know he was a fellow onion child

>he does the same

>i ask him why he doesnt eat onions if he is a follower of the ogrelord

>he says that he believes onions are holy and only for Shrek

>i disagree but i accept his own methods of worship

>we both get thrown over the ogrelords shoulders and have our pants torn off

>fists are placed against our tight anuses until his onioniness jerks forward and we fall around his fists

>we both grunt in pain but we know it must happen

>the fists start twisting back and forth and the pain is unbearable

>blood starts to spill inside of us

>we keep getting spun until blood almost leaks from us

>Shrek roars a mighty roar and points us toward the back kitchen

>the blood floods up past his fist and solidifies before flying out of our mouths as blood onions

>the red onions pile up in the back room and crush the rest of our equipment

>after the whole area is full we slide off his arms exhausted

>his onioniness pats us on the backside and leaves through the door

>the taco bell sign outside gets knocked down as a last act of antiestablishmentarianism

>i get up after a long time and start preparing the onions for dinner

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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