Shrek is Subway

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>be me

>be 17

>at subway to have it my way

>i ask for only onions on sub

>server says i need a meat

>i say Shrek does not want meat

>she says Shrek is drek now pick a meat

>she is denying the ogrelords wants

>i pray to Shrek

>onions start pouring from drink machine

>his onioniness bursts through freezer door

>drive thru worker is thrown through window

>the ogrelord shoves hand into the ice machine and comes out with a handful

>ice gets shoved into cashiers cunt

>her screams and moans are filled with terror

>bloody ice cubes fall from her asshole into drink cup

>his onioniness fills cup with pop and makes her drink it

>she is sobbing in agony

>the ogrelord looks at her and says "you need a meat"

>shes bent over and meat is stuck into her white bread

>with a mighty roar his onioniness mixes the guacamole with her mayonnaise

>she doesnt pay so Shrek takes back the meat

>"its all ogre now"

>smashes through drive thru window and leaves

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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