Shrek is Mascot

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>be me

>be 16

>voting for new school mascot in homeroom

>i say we should have Shrek

>other kids say no then some say Shrek is drek and suggest farquad mascot

>everyone agrees

>i am so mad that they would do this

>i pray to Shrek

>i wait but nothing happens

>i pray harder and explain what they have done

>kids say to stop being stupid and leave for next class

>i am so distraught that the ogrelord would overlook this major offense

>later i go to football game

>half time comes and its time for mascot

>but he doesn't come

>instead stadium lights turn on and something is hanging in front of each

>its parts of the mascot costume

>with a body inside

>people start to scream as opposite bleachers rise

>the ogrelord has come

>Shrek throws the bleacher at everyone next to me

>they are all dead

>the ogrelord pulls up goal post and skewers players with ends

>grabs referee and punts him through other post

>coaches run at Shrek but the ogrelord rams his member through their chests

>everyone is dead

>the bodies of the non believers surround me

>the ogrelord turns and runs into the blackness

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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