Shrek is CD

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>be me

>be 17

>at cd store to get Shrek soundtrack

>looking for it in the faith section but cant find it

>i go to the cash register and ask the woman where the soundtrack for the Shrek trilogy is

>she acts confused and starts to say something about the number four and i screech loudly

>i ask again where the soundtrack is

>she says they only have the soundtrack of the fourth before i screech again

>she yells that im the one who asked and she is just answering my question

>there is only a track for forever after

>my vision goes blurry and my face gets hot

>my stare burns into her mind as i curse her

>i tell her that she will take back her sin

>she says excuse me

>i scream that she will not besmirch his onioniness with the mention of such sacrilegious material in the way she has

>she looks scared and moves her arm and i realize what shes doing

>i tackle her over the desk before she can hit the panic button

>i try restraining her but shes stronger than i am and she starts to overpower me

>i cant let her get away with this

>she breaks out of my grip and lunges for the button

>i pray to Shrek

>onion form over the button as she goes to press it and onion juice splashes onto her eyes

>all star by smashmouth starts playing through the speakers

>the song gets lower and slower as time goes on

>eventually it gets so bassy that the speakers cant handle it

>they all blow out simultaneously and the ogrelord himself appears behind the lady

>tears her jeans from her ass holding a stack of disney movie sound tracks in  hand

>starts shoving them up her ass one at a time sideways

>she stops rubbing her eyes and moves her hands to her ass to stop the pain but she cant

>Shrek gets to the stack of frozen discs and shoves them all in at once

>she screeches loudly as blood pours from her anus

>i watch as his onioniness slams her into the counter and the discs inside her shred her to ribbons

>i bask in the glory of her mutilation until the ogrelord puts a hand on my shoulder

>"it's not ogre yet"

>i set down the cashier strips and ready myself for Shrek

>his onioniness grabs the strips of the lady and uses them to floss my teeth

>the meat giblets lodge between my teeth

>they taste nasty and bitter which is fitting for the witch

>once all the pieces are gone his onioniness pulls the string from my mouth and wraps it around my inferior penis

>its pulled taught and it hurts bad but it is what the ogrelord wants so i deal with it

>its squeezed so tight it manages to fit through a cd

>Shrek uses my dick as a cd holder and spins them all

>it hurts my dick and i cry out in pain

>his onioniness graciously ends my pain by tearing the string from my lacerated member

>i fall over in pain and the ogrelord rests his hand on the back of my head for a moment

>"thats enough out of you laddeh"

>the feeling of warmth fades and i know the ogrelord is gone without looking up

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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