Shrek is Boy

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>be me

>be 23

>out sightseeeing with wife while daughter is at kids party

>going on guided tour of parliament building

>this is our first time really seeing it and we are in awe

>the old architecture is beautiful

>we cross paths with a tour group and as were passing someone grabs my arm

>i turn expecting it to be some wallet snatcher trying a new trick

>but its not

>its carter the boy i used to babysit

>i give him a hug and ask what hes doing in the uk

>he says this was his schools senior trip

>i cant believe hes graduating its been so long

>i introduce him to wide who also gives him a hug

>someone from the group yells for him and he looks back distraught

>he says he has to go but it was really nice to see me and hurries off

>as hes heading back i realize the person yelling was his mom

>she looks like just as big a bitch as she always was

>his dad was always the good parents but i heard hed died before i moved here

>she looks over and must recognize me as she gives the dirtiest look

>im sad that hes stuck with her but i know hell be out soon

>we start back on the self guided tour

>i cant stop thinking about carter when we get to one of the courtyards

>as we enter we start to hear shouting

>i look over just in time to see carters mother slap him across the face

>all my doubt turns into anger and i rush over to him

>mom tries to stop me but i push her away to see if hes okay

>he says hes fine but hes holding back tears

>wife is yelling at mom but after wife gets really mad mom swings at her

>oh this lady is done for

>i know its dangerous here but this woman is going to pay

>i pray to Shrek

>onions fall out of open windows facing courtyard

>a loud bang is heard and i look up to see the ogrelord smash out of one of big bens faces

>his onioniness lands next to me and lets out a mighty ogre roar scaring off most of the tourists

>"go get the princess ill take care of the dragon" says Shrek turning to face a group of guards rushing our way

>mom is walking towards fallen wife and i barrel toward her

>the sounds of the guards screams fill the air as a tackle her to the ground

>i throw my fist toward her but its caught halfway there

>she pulls me to the ground next to her and starts wailing on me

>i dont understand i should be more powerful than her by now but i cant stop it

>between punches i hear her chanting something but i cant understand what it is

>i try focusing on my strength but every time i try some strange sound messes up my focus

>i feel her slowly letting go of me and then jumping off as she turns to someone behind her

>its carter

>he must have grabbed a gun from the fallen soldiers and he shoots it at point blank

>mom gets hit in the stomach and staggers but something is wrong

>she isnt bleeding

>she starts walking towards him calling him trash and how she never loved him

>carter looks shocked but he aims and opens fire again getting a few more hits

>just as she reels back to punch him wife grabs her arm

>carter hits her in the head with the gun butt but she kicks it away right after

>i yell to carter to grab her other arm and he manages to

>mom starts thrashing against them but i run up faster then i could and put both hands on her abdomen

>i focus hard and a green light resonates from her holes

>she screams in agony as onion sprouts peek out of her bullet holes

>her screaming stops all of a sudden but her face turns to me

>her eyes are dead

>all of a sudden she disappears

>we all look at each other in surprise before looking around to see her

>but all we see is carnage

>the entire courtyard is ripped apart with guards corpses scattered everywhere

>the ogrelord is crouched a few yards away and i rush to the heavenly body

>a hand is held up toward me and i stop

>as his onioniness turns around the color drains from my face

>there are two bulletholes in Shrek's chest leaking blood

>the ogrelord senses my shock and tells me "better out than in i always say"

>i dont understand how his onioniness has bled nothing has ever damaged the holy body

>"stay safe laddeh"

>the ogrelord smiles in the direction of wife and carter than runs from the courtyard

>i turn to them and wife is consoling carter

>she looks up at me and i already know whats going to happen

>carter will stay with us

>i walk toward them and step on something solid

>i bend down to pick it up and am holding a small wooden doll

>its got rounded features and looks clean but there are a few holes going straight through it

>it looks familiar somehow like i know where its from

>it resembles carters mom and suddenly it all makes sense

>why she was so strong and the musical sound that kept distracting me

>i think i know what she was chanting now too

>welcome to duloc such a perfect town

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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