Shrek is Disney World

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>be me

>be 9

>at mgm in disney world

>ask attendant where Shrek ride is

>he says the only Shrek material is in the great movie ride

>i listen and go to the ride

>i sit through the whole ride pissed off that the ogrelord doesnt even have a dedicated ride

>then we get to the end and im furious

>theres a second long clip from the first Shrek documentary but that's it

>i start screaming until the ride's over

>the workers tell me to calm down

>i keep screaming about their disgrace to the ogrelord

>they try dragging me away but i push one of them into the ride track

>he gets run over

>the other employees tackle me as he starts screaming

>i listen to all of the yelling people and can't take it

>they don't even care that the park has besmirched the legacy of his onioniness

>i cant stand for this

>i pray to Shrek

>onions sprout from the body of the run over man

>fearful screams erupt from the closed door of the ride

>his onioniness storms through the doors and a trail of bodies can be seen behind before they close

>jumps onto the back of the cart in front of me and flips it over

>the people scream as the ogrelord smashes the metal into their bones

>their cries die down as the next cart starts moving but it doesn't get far

>a mighty punch sends it flying forward through the doors before a loud crash is heard

>the ride manager tries to shut down the ride but an onion is hurled straight through his head

>his onioniness bounds to the panel and smashes it

>cars start flying through the doors at high speeds and crashing

>the screaming is drowned out by the sound of screeching metal as the ogrelord smashes through the guards

>they try to use their tasers but they do nothing

>slowly their numbers ween out

>the ones holding me let go and try to run away

>i chase after them but his onioniness is too quick

>one gets grabbed by the back of his jacket and propelled over the track where hes splatted by a flying cart

>eager to please the ogrelord i leap for the legs of the other man and take him down

>i bite and claw at him as he shrieks in terror

>he starts bleeding but i continue

>the shrieking stops as i pull something long and stringy from his neck

>i feel a hand on my head and stop

>"that'll do laddeh"

>i turn to look for Shrek expecting to see an ogrely smile at a job well done

>but theres no one there

>"that'll do"

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

Shrek is Love Shrek is Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें