Shrek is Bar

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>be me

>be 21

>alone at bar celebrating birthday

>ask for drink that has onion extract for flavor

>bar tender says there arent any like that

>i say Shrek wouldnt like that

>he says thats childish

>i try to enlighten him about the ogrelord

>he says that if im going to act like a child i shouldnt be at the bar

>he is dissing the ogrelord

>i pray to Shrek

>onions bob to the surface of drinks

>his onioniness comes out from bathroom angry and fully erect

>patrons run around screaming

>one tries to fight Shrek who shoves penis through mans chest into heart

>bartender is cowering behind bar in fear

>the ogrelord pulls entire serving bar out of floor and throws it

>it doesnt hit anyone but blocks off exits

>bar tender quakes in fear with hands behind back

>his onioniness reaches toward him

>just before contact is made the man he pulls out a shotgun from behind his back and shoots

>shells hit Shreks stomach and bounce off hitting mans leg

>man yells in pain as the ogrelord lets out a mighty ogre roar

>grabs the man and shoves member all the way into mans eye coming out of his ear

>Shrek pulls back a little and pushes in again coming out mans other ear

>man is dead but the ogrelord keeps thrusting in and out

>mans face has too many holes to count

>"its all ogre now"

>the ogrelord runs off into bathroom followed by flush sound

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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