Shrek is Arrest

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>be me

>be 21

>out walking around town after celebrating birthday

>murmuring to myself as i walk down the street

>lady opens her second floor window and yells at me to keep it down

>i throw the bottle i didnt realize i was carrying at her and she runs back

>i continue walking and suddenly get really tired

>i find a nice car along the side of the road and lay across the hood

>i close my eyes and black out

>i wake up to the sound of an engine and fall to the ground as the car pulls out from under me

>i hit my head hard against the ground and my vision glazes over

>i get up and turn to see an officer walking towards me

>he asks if im the drunk causing all the commotion

>when i speak a slurred mess he sighs and tells me my rights

>i manage a fuck you and turn to run but he easily grabs my arm to stop me

>i lash out at him and connect with his cheek

>he floors me and cuffs my arms behind my back

>i scream expletives and kick out trying to break away

>its okay though

>he will help me

>i pray to Shrek

>the officer pulls me up and walks me to his cruiser

>i pray harder

>he pushes me into the car

>i close my eyes and pray harder than i have in a long time

>an image flashes before my eyes and i go blank

>it cant be

>its a rotten onion

>i have shamed the ogrelord

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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