Shrek is History Class

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>be me

>be 10

>discussing presidents in history class

>everyone says w bush is bad president

>i tell them he was in office when Shrek was released so he is the best

>they say thats stupid and start making fun of the ears of  the ogrelord

>i tell them theyre going to get fukt if they dont stop

>they tell me im too scrawny to hurt them anyway

>i tense up my muscles and throw a punch at biggest one

>he dodges my fist and hammerfists my back

>i fall straight down and hit my nose hard

>blood drips onto the floor as the kids and teacher all laugh

>i can't believe this its just too much

>i pray to Shrek

>onions bloom on the top of kids pencils

>Shrek explodes from the closet and impales a kid with a broom

>before they can even scream the ogrelord has knocked two of their heads together

>the kids all scatter but staples get shot with pinpoint accuracy into their eyes

>they all drop but the one who hit me who gets the stapler rocketed at him

>he gets stuck to the wall by the stapler and lets out his last breath with blood

>little bitch is dead

>his onioniness looks at me and nods with a small smile

>i run towards the holy piece but Shrek backs away backs away

>"not today laddeh"

>i stop in place sadly and look at my savior

>his onioniess pats my head and then leaves through the door

>i watch as the doorway as the last bit of green leaves my vision

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is lie

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