Shrek is Spa

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>be me

>be 20

>at spa with girlfriend

>getting nails done together

>we ask for a bright shade of green that is close to the ogrelords sheen

>they say that they are all out of that color and they apologize for the inconvenience

>we tell them we want that color or our money back

>they say weve already had work done and cant get a refund

>we stand and start screaming at their awful service that doesnt honor his onioniness by carrying the holy color

>they tell us to calm down because we are scaring their guests

>we go over to the guests and tell them that we got rashes from our treatment

>they get up to leave

>the owner lady starts screaming at us for taking away her business with our lies

>but thats not good enough

>she must pay for what shes done

>we pray to Shrek

>onions pop up from the mud bath and the woman looks at it in confusion

>a giant green hand erupts from the brown pool and grabs the woman

>she claws at the ground and screams as she is pulled into the mud bath

>bubbles come up for a while until they finally stop

>something pops to the surface of the mud bath as we walk over to see

>its her freshly fucked cunt torn from her body

>she has gotten what she deserved

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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