Shrek is Adoption

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>be me

>be 22

>at adoption center with wife

>being interviewed to get little girl fiona

>lady asks what our religion is

>in sync we say Shrek is love Shrek is life

>lady laughs then realizes we are serious

>she says we are insane and she will not give us any children especially one as precious as fiona

>she is judging our religion and the ogrelord

>me and wife pray to Shrek

>onions bloom from buds of potted plants

>shrieking children heard from outside

>lady runs to door and yanks it open

>children are blistered from hot green cum

>Shrek appears around corner naked and fully aroused

>child is kicking and screaming in his giant hands

>fiona is following him unharmed and in awe of the ogerlord

>his onioniness sees the lady and throws the child at her

>the witch runs back into her room slamming the door

>the ogrelord breaks through the door

>lady is hiding under her desk

>Shrek tears off her clothes and breaks off leg of desk

>"this is my swamp"

>his onioniness rams leg up her anal cavity producing a scream and blood

>keeps pushing and blood bubbles in her mouth

>end of leg seen in bottom of her throat

>Shrek violently pulls leg back out

>organs fall out of witches giant hole

>Shrek turns to me and wife and says "its ogre for now"

>fiona looks on amazed as Shrek dashes through door and leaves

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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