Shrek is Ski

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>be me

>be 14

>first time at ski club trip

>falling down a lot

>i finally start going and other kids knock me down

>i tell them they are dumbos

>they say im even too childish to swear and call me a dipshit

>i tell them the ogrelord doesn't like swearing and call them springnuts

>they tell me to stop talking about that stupid ogre shit and kick me

>i am in lots of pain physically and but their disgrace of the ogrelord is too much

>this injustice cannot go unpunished

>i pray to Shrek

>onions pop up in snow

>the ogrelord jumps down from a tree on top of two girls

>fists go straight into their heads

>they are dead

>the ogrelord grabs last kid and throws him at tree full force

>he splatters

>Shrek turns to me and says "its not ogre yet"

>the ogrelord walks over to boy and lubes himself up

>takes the girls snowboards and lays me on them

>im put on my hands and knees and his onioniness Shreks me with his giant ogre cock

>the ogrelord pushes down hill and we move

>Shrek pushes his member in different directions to turn

>speed past all others and reach the bottom of the hill

>my anus is the size of basketball

>the ogrelord pulls out and says "it's all ogre now"

>runs through trees and disappears

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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