Shrek is Arcade

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>be me

>be 12

>at arcade playing pinonion

>fuck bois bump the machine and cause a tilt

>i yell at them not to hit the ogrelords object

>they say i spend too much time thinking about that object

>i tell them there is no such thing as too much time thinking of the holy member

>they punch my arm and say to get over this Shrek thing if i ever want friends

>i say they are clueless to the majesticness of his onioniness

>the boys knock me down and kick me

>one sits on me and says only dumb faggots let boys sit on them

>i say ill do what i have to to fix that then

>i pray to Shrek

>onions burst out of coin returns

>the ogrelord smashes through sitting dinosaur game

>his grace grabs one boy and smashes him into oblivion against an air hockey table

>his insides start to hover above the table

>another gets his eyes torn out and used for skee ball

>the ogrelord gets a perfect score

>his onioniness turns to the last one and grabs him with ogre hands

>picks off one of the holy toe nails and uses it to cut a piece off

>it gets put into the token machine

>his grace continues until there is nothing left but a pile of tokens

>"its all ogre now"

>his grace leaps behind the ticket counter and is gone

>i push the giant pile of tokens to the pinonion machine and begin my long playing streak

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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