Shrek is Hot Dog Stand

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>be me

>be 17

>walking home from school

>hungry so stop at hot dog stand

>ask for hot dog with extra onions

>man says sorry hes out of onions right now

>i ask if he can get more

>he says yes but not until after today

>i remind him that the ogrelord wont like it if he keeps serving with no onions

>he tells me he doesnt know what im talking about and says i need to order or leave

>a line has formed behind me but i stand firm

>i say that i cannot allow him to serve his meat sticks without any onions

>i move to the side of the cart and shove it away but am stopped by the brake on the wheel

>he comes over and pushes me saying he doesnt want any trouble and just wants me to leave

>the people in line start shouting at me saying im being very rude to him

>i tell them they should be on my side against the man who serves onionless wieners

>someone toward the back says oh no are you one of those Shrek loving fags

>the line starts laughing and the hot dog guy just looks at me and says to leave again

>i cannot believe the disrespect these puny people are showing the ogrelord

>it cannot be allowed

>i pray to Shrek

>onions sprout from the tips of his ketchup and mustard bottles

>the ground shakes and Shrek bursts from the earth covered in sewage with a huge spout of water following

>the ogrelord shakes off the shit at supersonic speeds bursting straight through some of the linelubbing fucks

>they try to run but his onioniness slams his mighty ogre foot into the ground and cracks spread out swallowing them

>the hot dog boy looks at Shrek scared but knows he cant do anything

>"ogres are like onions"

>the ogrelord grabs all the buns form the cart and mushes them together into one giant bun

>his onioniness sets his massive ogre cock into the bun and grabs the onions from the bottles to place them on top

>"better out than in i always say"

>the holy hot dog is force fed to the lil bitch boy who immediately begins screaming through the gag like piece of his majesty

>his mouth is bleeding and his lips begin to split as the girth becomes too much for him

>Shrek forces the dog all the way in the boys body down to his stomach and he splits in two

>his legs stumble around and then fall into one of the cracks into the sewer

>the ogrelord throws down the bun soaked in the boys blood and covered with onions in front of me

>"better out than in i always say"

>i stare in wonder at the gift that has been presented to me before i sink down to my hands and knees and begin devouring the ogre dick touched bread

>i eat as quickly as i can and am full enough to burst when i am finished

>i fight with my body to keep the whole meal down for Shrek

>"thatll do donkey, thatll do"

>the ogrelord pats my shoulder and then jumps back into the sewer hole

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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