Shrek is Game

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>be me

>be 13

>dropped off at gamestop to wait for new Shrek game

>employee comes and asks why im there

>i say im buying new Shrek game

>he laughs and says they didnt order any copies because no one wants that game

>he speaks ill of the ogrelord

>i pray to Shrek

>game boxes crack from onions inside

>his onioniness stands up from behind counter and smashes through glass storefront

>employee is scared and swears it wasnt his decision

>Shrek believes him and goes easy

>the ogrelord takes a wii remote and shoves it into mans penis

>he screams in pain and arousal blood erupting from crotch

>Shrek shoves fist into mans anus and yells "this is my swamp"

>pulls remote through mans rectum

>makes man bend over and shoves in cock

>green ogre cum and normal man semen mix with blood and shoot out of mans giant hole

>the ogrelord is satisfied with the man

>runs around back of building

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

Shrek is Love Shrek is LifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ