Shrek is Garden

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>be me

>be 10

>watering class garden

>boys laugh at me and say im a girl

>i say theyre stupid and Shrek loves plants

>they say Shrek is dumb

>i say their intellect is nothing compared to the ogrelords

>they say their fists are better though

>i get punched in face hard and fall down

>boys jump on me and start punching more as girl giggles

>i throw fist at boy and hit his jaw

>while i have a moment of reprieve i do the only thing i can

>i pray to Shrek

>onions pop up from empty plots

>the ogrelord knocks down the tool shed

>gleaming green ogre skin is bright in the sun

>his onioniness turns on lawn mower and throws it at girl

>she is chopped up in mower

>i grab chunks and make one of the boys eat them

>he spits the first chunk out but i hold his mouth closed now

>Shrek chops other boy halfway through with sickle

>theres a hand on my shoulder and the ogrelord says "thatll do laddeh"

>i make way so the boy may be punished properly as he cries like a little bitch

>his onioniness grabs boy and shoves his giant green fist through back of jeans

>boy yells out in pain and sobs harder

>Shrek puts his arm into the elbow and bends it

>boy screams louder and starts balling red

>as his screaming peaks the front of his jeans turn brown

>the ogrelords fist breaks through his zipper and shit streams from his limp bizkit

>Shrek grabs handfull and makes boy eat it

>he chokes on it and dies vomiting

>the ogrelord looks me in the eye and says "its all ogre now"

>his onioniness comes to me and restores my layers

>my body fills with energy but when i open my eyes Shrek is gone

>i see the ogrelords footprints leading through the onion patch and smile

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

Shrek is Love Shrek is LifeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя