Shrek is Restaurant

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>be me

>be 16

>at restaurant for lunch

>i order salad with lots of onions

>waiter brings salad with no onions

>i tell him i need the onions to please the ogrelord

>he says Shrek is drek

>he is a farquadian

>i pray to Shrek

>onions sprout up from salad

>his onioniness bursts through kitchen door with only chef hat on

>grabs terrified waiter and rips off his pants

>steak knife from next table over is used to cut off his member

>the ogrelord shoves salad into his new hole and proceed to thrust in

>salad falls from mans anus followed by stream of green ogre cum

>man feels pleasured and says Shrek is love

>his onioniness is pleased and spares him

>bursts through glass front of restaurant

>Shrek is love

>Shrek is life

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