Chapter 13: Everything

Start from the beginning

The entire school had spun before me in an instant, blood pooling into my legs. I remember the excruciating pain of sliding my way down lockers to crouch on to the cold ground. The constant voices of familiar teachers trying to comfort me, further reversed the gesture.

 "Lets get you to the hospital," Something so protective in that tone, which was spoken in the most gentlest manner possible, provided temporary refuge.

Only Adam was capable of that effect.

After some complications, I had soldiered myself up through staggers.

 "Forget them, they are just ignorant ass-" Adam had started  ranting while his hands fought with the volume of hair disheveled across his head.

 "Can you call my mom, please?" I begged him, my voice cracking.

 "Yeah," and just like that his shoulders slumped, a long exhale. Completely calm.

I don't know what possessed me, but I started sobbing after hastily turning around to protect Adam from the ugly sight.

Once I was an inch restrained, I watched Adam explaining the situation to mama over the phone, his jaw clenching the whole time. He paced back and forth in anger, his hands continuously battling with his hair. His eyebrows knitted together tightly, his beautiful eyes crinkled in frustration. He was awfully infuriated from my view, but held it together on the phone for the sake of my mother.

After silence from his end, he handed over the phone to me while apologizing with his eyes. His face had paled as he looked at me, which was understandable considering that I probably symbolized death. I took the warm phone with my trembling hands and had put it close to my ears.

 "Mama, please come," I wailed into the phone, my voice entertaining misery.

"I will be right there, hold on for me," she had softly stated, everything in her voice having relaxed me.

 I had nodded into the phone and passed it back to Adam who added closure to the call by assuring that he would be by my side.

There was something extremely sound with his statement. I found my reaction to it oddly cloudy, yet clear.

The principle had come back and ushered me to a called for ambulance. Adam insisted his coming to the principle, debating that he was family. After much reluctancy, the tall, beer bellied man of school authority allowed him to come.

Adam stood close, anxiously alert.

I shrugged him off a couple times but he stood his ground and emphasized that it was for my own good. The next couple gestures of assisting me onto the ambulance and venting about the whole incident, exposed his caring persona that I now vaguely remember.  

I felt exceptionally important staring at the ceiling listening to Adam's constant and powerful vexation over the fight. There was something so sweet about it, my wounds didn't hurt so much.

"I am here with you, you're not alone," he had said to me when I was situated in my hospital bed.

The time he had said it, everything around me literally slowed. The clock, my perception of external sound. I still remember how burnt my ears had become, how inflamed my cheeks blossomed. I felt like I was going to implode, beautifully. All I could focus on was his smile at that moment. It was so genuine, so raw in its purpose. It was perfect.

The simple sentence had washed me to shore. It was a compilation of what I felt and the entirety of our history as kids.  One most definitely meaningless statement to him meant absolutely everything to me. It held so much promise. Just one sentence turned it all around, and that was it. I was gone.

"A million for your thoughts," Adam chuckles, taking a seat on the tree trunk across the camp fire.

 "I was just thinking about finals," I stare at the dancing flames.

 "Liar," he teases, snapping some twigs to fuel the inferno even further, the growing height abruptly surprising me.

 "Since you know me so well, educate me on my thoughts," I question in all kinds of serious.

He tilts his head to the side, a smile provoked on his lit up face. His eyes, which are a shade lighter in effect of the fire, smile while searching my face. My anxiousness elaborates so I  magnify on the dirt below.

 "You were thinking about me," he announces after a decade, his voice fermenting confidence.

I scoff at his narcissistic nature and look him square in the eyes, trying to exemplify a sense of intimidation. The minute they met with his warm brown ones, I knew that I was helpless. I couldn't fake a reaction, he knew me too well. When he broke into a condescending smirk, I knew I needed to pull myself together and not let him win.

"You make me so nervous" I mock back at him, dusting my self off before standing. I swallow his contagious aroma of laughter and smiling eyes before leaving.

I walk into the utter darkness enveloping the astounding lake. It reflects off the moon's halo so exquisitely, the entire view looks as flawless as painted picture. I inhale a large volume of pure air and exhale, my entire soul rejuvenating.

My eyes wander over to everyone seated around the small of sun. They mistakenly fall on an amused Adam capacitating his entire attention on Aasif.

Within seconds, he looks over Aasif's head at me, our eyes intermingling some untold message. He continues looking in my direction in amusement, long enough for me to feel the slight bit dizzy. I sit down in the cold grass with a pacing heart and smile at the body of water.

There was one thing I was indubitably firm on- No matter how effective I wrestle it or how extensively I deny it, Adam is my dose of happy.

He meant absolutely everything to me. 

Yet, someone so important was expressed so little by me, to anyone.

Because there is something incredibly lovely about that which is hidden.

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