My Ramblings > My Story ... and Charlie McDonnell

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My ramblings have more reads than On The Other Side of the Screen.

That makes me smile.

People are more interested in the silly stuff that pops into my head than my story.

That's funny. I enjoy that quite allot, actually. xD

So... anyway... on a different note...

Charlie McDonnell.

I'm slowly but surely becoming a Charlie McDonnell fangirl. This is bad. This is VERY bad.

But... he's so darn cute.

And he's brittish.

And he's a nerd.

And he's a musician.

And he's brilliant.

And... well...



Poo. :/

Fangirls aren't healthy people. I don't like this one bit.

But.... how can you not love the child who wrote songs such as these???

This is Me ~Charlie McDonnell

 This is my face on my head on my shoulders

With eyes and a mouth and a nose

With a lie on my tongue and a weight on my back

And a fidgeting twitch in my toes

But this isn’t me anymore

 These are my arms around you, though you’re reluctant

And my fingernails, I can’t help but bite

My face is in my hands, but I’ll change in seconds

As my smile returns and I remember tonight

And I find that I’m me once more

 ‘Cause this is the me that I like to be

Charisma quick wit and charm

But that side of me rarely likes to be

In the face of causing harm

Can you see my fear as you disappear

Into someone else’s arms

Or are you unaware that the me you care for

Isn’t really me at all

This is me

These are my hands, on my arms, on my conscience

With fingers that shake while they strum

And this is you, in my head, regardless of whether I want you there

And thoughts that I tried to avoid have already begun

And I can’t feel myself anymore

 These are my fingers typing, to no avail

As I try my best, to let you down

But I’ve just so much to do, and I can’t help but force you

To the bottom of my lists and block out the sound

This isn’t the me I want to explore

Melody for Melody ~Charlie McDonnell

 I feel I shouldn’t need to tell you

That just ’cause you can do what you want

It doesn’t mean that you should

And just because the law tells us we’re grown ups now

It doesn’t mean you should allow yourself

To act without thinking harder first

And I’m not saying I’m better than you

In so many ways you are superior to me

No I’m just saying that I’m learning from you

And learning from your mistakes

Saves them from happening to me

 All I want is to be honest with you

And say that just because I’m not involved

Doesn’t mean I’m not affected

I tend to stay out, but I can’t help but rue

Because I know you’ve got your head on

And it’s just not what I expected

And I would give up my sight

To know love like the love you have at home

 This is my melody for melody

I’d already forgiven you completely

Please don’t regret what you did today

This is my melody for melody

Thanks for awkwardly hugging me so sweetly

And thanks for making my holiday

 I know you’re smart at least to make up nice and quickly

But I’m unsure about what’s really going on in 45D

I’ll just sit back and relax, I’ll try to sleep, and ponder

Every word you might be saying and decide if I agree

With the points about love, that you’re making in my head

Should I judge you, or use it to analyse myself instead

Are you even talking about what I’ve guessed

Or should I plug myself back in and try and get some rest

 All I try is to be honest with you

I’ll say that you’re a friend and without us

There’d be a lot less here of me

But I’m unsure if we share the same view

I’ve told you what I’m thinking

But you’re yet to tell me if we agree

And all I want is a girl

Who will love me, like she loves you

 This is my melody for melody

I’d already forgiven you completely

Please don’t regret what you did today

This is my melody for melody

Thanks for awkwardly hugging me so sweetly

And thanks for making my holiday


Ugh. Dangit. Help me. Someone, anyone??!

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