The Tale of the Epic Magic 8 Ball.

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Today was pretty awesome :)

I watched The Lion King with my baby brother this morning (so of COURSE it was going to be a wonderful day)

I went to WallyWorld (Wal*Mart, for you silly ducks who didn't know what that meant) and got my brother a Darth Vader costume for $1.90 because all of the halloween crap was 90% off.

I went to CF where me and my friend Alicia made the most epic magic 8 ball ever...

the answers the magic 8 ball gave are as follows:

Hellen Keller


On the 30th of February


Sometimes you gotta race

Don't eat that.

You Make me Sick.

Congratulations! It's a boy.

Yes... but I disapprove.

The Joke is In Your Hands

Go ask your mom.

Yeah... well... happens.

Go watch the Lion King.

Only on Tuesdays.


That's frowned upon.

Chuck Norris.

Idk, google it.


I like Trains.

It's pretty legit.

Oi, (heh heh, I used a Jewish term xD) I have allot going on this week.

Tomorrow I have a birthday party to go to for my "little sister"

Monday is her actual birthday.

Tuesday... ah... actually nothings going on Tuesday that's important enough to mention.

Wednesday is my older sister's birthday.

Thursday I don't have school :)

Friday is going to be friday.

Saturday.... oh my goodness what isn't going on saturday? I have to watch my brother in the morning, then I have a choir thing to go to, after that I have to babysit my baby cousin Aden... also I believe Saturday is TWLOHA day, although some things say that it's friday. Saturday is also IMEA, but I didn't try out for that, so I'm not going to it. And on top of ALL that nonsense, Saturday is my friend Jamie's birthday.

So... yeah. I'm gonna have a pretty busy week. Er... weekend, as it seems.

Oh fudge.

I havn't finnished my homework yet.


Well... I ain't doing it now. I s'pose it'll have to wait until tomorrow.

Fudge. I was hoping to get that out of the way tonight.

Darn you, Algebra II.

Anywhom... I said all that to say this:

If you don't pay your exorsist, you'll get reposessed.

That is all.

Ta Ta For Now heheHeHEEEE!!   <---- that is supposed to be a Tigger impersonation. Ya'know, Tigger? T-I-DoubleGuh-Er? Winnie the Pooh? Yeah.

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