Haley and Andrea's Wall Post War :)

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Had to post it. It's wonderful :)


uhh, okay. so there is this girl haley. and i never quite knew her. but now that i do i really cant picture my days without you. (i was gonna say i cant picture my life without you, but that kinda sounds like something i would say if i were in love with you, which , sorry honey, but i'm not.)anyway. you are pretty cool. and you think ...my creeping on beck is funny and not weird, so your great in my book. sure, youo lost hope and all, and thats a darn shame(XD) but yeah. i have more to say, but can i fit it all on here?? oh, yeah, it'll just turn into a 'note' thingie;]

so yeah. your amazing, and your purpose in life is to roll up my sleeves during a trumpett practtice in which i creep on beck;].




uh okay so there's this girl Andrea, and I don't really know her but she's really really awesome

she plays trumpet, which is amazing,

and she creeps on the student teacher in band, but that's okay because we all gotta creep on something :)

She abandoned all hope with me, and it is a darn shame indeed.

My purpose in life is to roll up her... sleeves when she's practicing her trumpet.

She about freaked out on Beck when he said Journey was overrated

and that kind of made my whole day.

She's really funny and amazing and a super good friend.



so, once more there is this girl named haley. and i've now made it my goal to beat her with my posts' because i like making funny wars like that;]

she laughed at me when i freaked out over beck thinking journey was overrated.

she changed the subject in a manner about as subtle as a gun, by just starting to play her solo;]

she plays the ...clarinet, and she denies it, but im pretty sure she's a prodigy at it.

she is probably the funniest person in the whole word and i almost lost her at band camp but really i just walked out of the room too soon and kinda left her

we both likie cool ranch doritos. but i've probably have them more often thatn her;]

but she probably likes them more.

i think im winning, haley.


so, once again there's this girl named Andrea.

What she doesn't know about me is that i have a competitive streak, so I think this will go on for awhile.

Me and her sat and ate cool ranch doritos during the band thingy, she claims to eat them more often, and I believe her, because I never have cool ranch doritos in my dwelling.

She had... us walk in front of the mirrors in the choir room to see how we walked, because she's silly like that :)

We have decided that we're going to hang out after school whilst waiting for the busses, because nobody else is worthy of our awesomeness. (That part wasn't said, but we all know it's true ;) )

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